At present, with the continuous development of China's economy and the automobile industry, the number of cars is increasing rapidly. Mechanical parking equipment in the domestic development is also by leaps and bounds, in order to ease the tension of urban land resources play an important role. The automobile turning plate can solve the parking problem in the narrow space, which is an important part of the mechanical parking equipment.Designed a kind of car back turntable. The rotary disc is centered on the central axis, which is mainly depended on the motor to drive the friction wheel. So as to realize the steering of the car in a small space. This type of car back to the turntable design load of 3.5 tons. Design uses a lot of standardized parts and profiles, high degree of standardization, considering the parts may be used, processing methods, and choose a reasonable transmission matching and layout structure. The result of the design meets the requirement.
Key words:Car back turntable;Stereo garage;Mechanical parking equipment;

第1章 绪论 2
1.1立体车库的发展 2
1.2 现状 2
1.3车库种类 3
1.4汽车回转盘的产生 5
1.5本论文的研究内容 6
第2章汽车回转盘的设计原理 7
2.1回转盘 7
2.2汽车回转盘的组成 7
2.3 汽车回转盘的工作原理 7
2.4汽车回转盘的优点 8
第3章 汽车回转盘的设计与计算 9
3.1汽车回转盘的设计要求: 9
3.2计算步骤 9
3.2.1设计说明书 9
3.2.2设定数据: 9
3.2.3回转盘上面板强度的校核 10
3.2.4 功率需要校核 11
3.2.5 链条设计: 14
3.2.6 中心轴校核 16
3.2.7 轴承校核 17
第4章 安装调试说明书 21
4.1回转盘安装的施工准备工作 22
4.1.1熟悉图样及资料 22
4.1.2土建的检查 22
4.2回转盘安装 22
第5章 维修保养说明书 22
5.1每个月检查项目 23
5.1.1驱动系统 23
5.1.2控制系统 23
5.1.3 回转盘钢结构 24
5.2每六个月检查项目 24
5.2.1检查端子的拧紧状态 24
5.2.2检查回转盘的旋转轴的润滑状态 24
第6章 标准化审查报告 24
6.1基本参数 25
6.2标准化审查 25
6.3标准化审查结果 25
结 论 25
参考文献 26