In modern engineering construction, automobile crane is widely used in lifting machinery.The hydraulic system determines the performance of the crane. A good hydraulic system can make the crane safer and more efficient.
In this paper, the operating conditions of the crane are described in detail, and the hydraulic system scheme is designed according to the operating conditions.According to the working requirements of the mechanism, the design parameters are determined, and the hydraulic system is calculated and the components are selected.The design of hydraulic pump station and oil tank was completed.
The control mode of the hydraulic system is improved based on the multi-way reversing valve.
Parallel control is adopted to ensure that the actuator can work simultaneously when necessary.
Keywords:automobile crane;hydraulic system;multi-way reversing valve;parallel

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1汽车起重机的简介 1
1.2国内外发展现状 2
1.3主要设计内容 2
第2章液压系统性能分析与方案设计 5
2.1汽车起重机典型工况及对液压系统要求 5
2.1.1汽车起重机典型工况分析 5
2.1.2汽车起重机对液压系统的要求 5
2.2起重机液压系统各回路的分析 6
2.2.1起升回路 6
2.2.2回转回路 8
2.2.3变幅回路 8
2.2.4伸缩回路 9
2.2.5支腿回路 10
2.3汽车起重机液压系统的方案设计 11
2.3.1液压系统分析 11
2.3.2系统方案 12
第3章液压系统计算 15
3.1汽车起重机液压系统主要液压元件的选择 15
3.1.1汽车起重机液压系统参数 15
3.1.2马达和液压泵的计算与选型 15
3.2系统热平衡验算 17
3.2.1液压系统发热功率 17
3.2.2液压系统散热功率 18
第4章液压泵站结构设计 19
4.1泵站的结构设计 19
4.2油箱的结构设计 19
第5章液压系统的经济性与环保性分析 21
第6章总结 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24