In recent years,3D printing go into the people's daily life gradually,from small pots and pans to houses,cars and even the space shuttle everywhere you can see the figure of 3D printing,it’s fast,practical attracted a large number of fans.This topic start from the hottest 3D printing with the adding professional knowledge of mechanical design background show us the design process of a certain type of 3D printer drive structure.
Through the systematic survey of the type of 3D printer in the market tto determines the type of technology,materials and something else that the printers use.By analyzing the data that wo collect,wo can determine the size of the desktop 3D printer which will be designed in the topic,as for the transmission mechanism in this design I choose the ball screw drive to drive the machine in the direction of XYZ axis,it is very helpful for improving the overall accuracy of the machine but it may be a little lacking in speed of the printing ,then use the guide columns to make the running way sure on its’ own way.so as to determine the size of the transmission mechanism and the transmission ratio.Use SolidWorks and other modeling software to create the model and draw the CAD drawings,Complete the design steps.Then,do economic analysis on the project,to judge the feasibility and practicality of the project,so as to complete the task of the design task.
Key Words:3D Printing;Material;Structure;Modeling;Economical Efficiency

第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题的来源 1
1.2课题研究的背景 1
1.3国内外研究现状 1
1.3.1国外研究现状 1
1.3.2国内研究现状 2
1.4 3D打印机的发展趋势 2
1.5课题研究的主要内容 3
第2章3D打印技术简介 4
2.1 3D打印技术原理 4
2.2 3D打印技术特点及其面临的问题 4
2.2.1 3D打印技术特点 4
2.2.2 3D打印所面临的问题 4
第3章3D打印机结构设计 6
3.1设备结构原理及实现 6
3.2具体结构设计 6
3.2.1传动方案的确定 6
3.2.2传动构件尺寸的确定 13
第4章打印机电机及传感器的选择 17
4.1电机的选型 17
4.1.1伺服电机与步进电机的对比 17
4.1.2电机选型 18
4.2温度传感器的选择 18
4.2.1温度传感器 18
4.2.2打印耗材选用 18
第5章 打印机价格估算 20
5.1打印机价格的构成 20
5.2打印机价格计算 20
第6章 总结 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24