We know that the portal crane is an indispensable part in port transportation , gantry crane research for the development of port transportation has a important significance, at the same time, the performance of the slewing mechanism design of portal crane has a crucial impact, so I have necessary do further research on the slewing mechanism.
This design, we first from the overall direction of the portal crane of, the crane do an overall design, then has carried on the detailed design of the rotating mechanism, and draw the structure of the machine and rotary mechanism. At the same time, We make 3D modeling for the rotating mechanism through CREO, more intuitive see its internal mechanism, and finally we conducted an economic analysis for the crane , to ensure the lowest cost to maintain in good conditions the performance of the crane.
Key Words:portal crane;design;rotating mechanism; 3D modeling;economy

第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的意义和目的 1
1.2课题研究的内容 1
第2章 MQ1035门座起重机的总体设计 2
2.1性能参数 2
2.2机构的主要工作机构和金属结构形式 3
2.2.1确定主要工作机构形式 3
2.2.2确定金属结构 6
2.3找点确定结构的主要尺寸 7
2.4货物水平位移 8
2.4.1货物水平位移补偿概述 8
2.4.3刚性四连杆组合臂架方案的设计 8
2.5臂架自重平衡 12
2.5.2杠杆-活对重法臂架自重平衡系统的设计 13
2.6计算载荷 16
2.6.1额定起升载荷 16
2.6.2自重载荷 16
2.6.3起升冲击载荷 16
2.6.4荷重动载荷 16
2.6.5部分载荷突然卸载的动力效应 17
2.6.6门座起重机在不平轨道面上运行引起的冲击载荷 17
2.6.7变速运动引起的惯性载荷 17
2.6.8风载荷 17
2.7轮压的计算 25
2.8整体抗倾覆稳定性的校核 26
第3章 门座起重机回转机构的设计 29
3.1 回转机构概述 29
3.2回转支承装置 29
3.2.1回转支承装置选型计算 29
3.2.2回转驱动装置的计算 32
3.3电动机的选择 35
3.3.1电动机的校核 36
3.4减速器的选择 37
3.5制动器的选择 38
3.6极限力矩联轴器的选用 38
3.7回转机构的建模 39
第4章 经济性分析 40
第5章总结和展望 41
参考文献 42
致谢 43