The non-circular gear hydraulic pump designed in this paper is based on the deep study of the principle of ordinary planetary gear train and ordinary gear pump, and then combined with the non-circular gear structure to design a more advanced gear Pump. Compared to the common gear pump in the market, the advantages of non-circular gear pump is small size, light weight, low noise, smooth transmission, high reliability. So this article carried out non-circular gear hydraulic pump structure design.
According to the characteristic of the gear section of the non - circular gear, the whole structure of the non - circular gear hydraulic pump is designed. Due to the complicated piping of the gear pump, a reasonable component structure is designed to ensure the leakage and trapped oil. Completed the design of the main components of the pump and the calculation of important components, and better to ensure the rationality of the design. The finite element software workbench is used to analyze the non - circular planetary gears, and compared with the traditional calculation method, the reliability and correctness of the calculation result are enhanced.
Key Words:Non-circular gear;Gear pump;Structural design;Finite element analysis
表3.1 设计参数
设计参数 选取
功率P 5kw
原动机 电动机
转速n 1000r/min

第一章绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2国外的研究动态 1
1.3国内研究现状 2
1.4目的及意义 3
第二章非圆齿轮液压泵结构设计 4
2.1引言 4
2.2经典行星齿轮传动 4
2.3非圆齿轮液压泵整体结构设计 5
2.4 主要的结构部件设计 6
2.4.1主轴的结构设计 6
2.4.2配流盘的设计 7
2.4.3泵体的结构设计 8
2.5实施装配方案 9
2.6本章小结 10
第三章非圆齿轮液压油泵几何参数设计 11
3.1引言 11
3.2设计参数的选定 11
3.3各部件主要尺寸的计算校核 11
3.3.1泵体主要尺寸的设计计算 11
3.3.2齿轮的强度校核 13
3.3.3轴的计算与校核 18
3.3.4键的校核 20
3.3.5轴承的校核计算 21
3.3.6螺纹连接与其强度校核 22
3.4本章小结 24
第四章主要部件的有限元分析 25
4.1ANSYS的Workbench简介 25
4.2划分网格 25
4.3添加材料以及边界条件 26
4.4有限元求解结果与经验公式的比较 27
4.5本章小结 30
总结 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33