It is of great significance to study the fault detection and diagnosis technology of the rotary shaft system and to ensure the safe and smooth operation of mechanical equipment. Working under big background noise, often causes the weak fault features of the vibration signal to be submerged by noise, combined with the complexity of the fault, it often brings great challenges to the fault diagnosis of the rotary shaft system. This article takes the rotary shaft as the research object, adopts the methods of theoretical research and experimental research, and selects the hardware from the system to the system construction. The system is tested and verified experimentally, and its function is basically realized. The main contents of this article are as follows:
Introduce the research background and significance of rotary shaft fault detection and diagnosis technology, and analyze the development status, trends and diagnostic technology based on the current situation at home and abroad.
According to the three types of failures studied, the characteristics of the required sensors, common diagnostic techniques, common failure modes and causes, and failure modes are described.
Set up a rotary shaft test system. According to the fault mechanism and characteristics, write its data processing module with LabVIEW.
Perform fault diagnosis test, process data and analyze it, and then compare it with the system of the rotor test bench to testify the effectiveness andaccuracy of the experimental schemes and construction system.
Key Words: Rotary shaft system;Fault detection;Diagnostictechniques; Vibration signal

第1章绪论 1
1.1 目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状分析 2
1.3 研究(设计)的基本内容、目标、拟采用的技术方案 2
第2章回转轴系故障形式及分析 4
2.1 回转轴系基本组成及故障类型 4
2.1.1 回转轴系的基本组成 4
2.1.2 回转轴系的故障类型 5
2.2 齿轮故障 5
2.2.1 齿轮的常见失效形式及原因 5
2.2.2 齿轮的振动机理分析 6
2.2.3 减速器齿轮典型故障及其振动信号特征 7
2.3 滑动轴承故障 9
2.3.1滑动轴承的常见失效形式及原因 9
2.3.2 滑动轴承典型故障及其振动信号特征 9
2.4 联轴器不对中故障 11
2.4.1 联轴器不对中原因及分类 11
2.4.2 联轴器不对中振动信号特征 12
2.5 常用的诊断技术 13
2.5.1 轴心轨迹法 14
2.5.2 时域特征参数分析法 14
2.5.3 频域分析法 15
第3章回转轴系故障检测系统设计 18
3.1 故障测试系统硬件搭建 18
3.1.1 数据采集系统 19
3.1.2 数据采集对象 25
3.2 故障测试系统软件设计 26
3.2.1 LabVIEW简介 26
3.2.2 NI-DAQmx简介 26
3.2.3 测试软件设计模块 26
第4章回转轴系故障检测实验及分析 34
4.1 基本对照组 34
4.2 轴系不对中实验 36
4.2.1滑动轴承不对中实验 37
4.2.2联轴器不对中实验 39
4.3 紧固件松动实验 41
4.4油膜涡动、油膜振荡实验 45
第5章总结与展望 50
参考文献 51
致谢 52