The design of the eddy current sensor gauged vibration
In recent years, with the development of science and technology, for the work of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of large rotating machinery equipment, and ensure the equipments work safely and reliably , sensor play a more and more significant role. So sensor technology applied in many developed countries, and has been widely concerned. In engineering , the measured parameters for the majority are non-electric quantity, with the development of nonlinear theory, especially with the integration of signal processing, knowledge engineering and computational intelligence theory technology and fault diagnosis, urges people to study non electrical quantity by method of electrical measurement and research instrument with the method to measuring non-electric quantity, and study how to measuring non-electrical technology correctly and quickly . his paper introduces the working principle, structure, measurement circuit principle diagram, parameters selection and calculation of the eddy current sensor , based on the application of in non-contact displacement measurement by eddy current sensor, here introduce the measuring circuit of resonance method , Eddy current sensor is one kind of device that can thansform the mechanical displacement into non-electric measurement signals, which is widely used in displacement, vibration measurement and physical parameters detection of materials.
Key Words: Eddy current sensor, large rotating machinery, vibration, radial vibration

摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 意义 1
1.2 作用 1
1.3 主要参数 2
本章小结 2
第2章 总体设计方案 3
本章小结 3
第3章 电涡流测振传感器原理与结构 4
3.1 电涡流传感器工作原理 4
3.2 电涡流传感器等效电路 4
3.3 电涡流测振传感器功能示意图 5
3.4 电涡流式测振传感器原理图 6
3.5 结构设计 9
3.5.1 电涡流传感器骨架结构图 9
3.5.2 电涡流传感器后盖结构图 10
3.5.3 电涡流传感器保护套筒结构图 11
本章小结 12
第4章 电涡流式传感器设计内容与参数计算 13
4.1 单匝线圈在轴线上的磁感应强度 13
4.2 工作线圈的设计 13
4.3 电涡流的贯穿深度 14
4.4 线圈阻抗的计算 16
4.5 线圈导线的选择 18
4.6 线圈结构的设计 18
4.7 计算设计结果 19
本章小结 19
第5章 电涡流式传感器的测量电路设计 20
5.1 交流电桥电路设计 20
5.2 谐振电路设计 23
本章小结 26
第6章 误差分析 27
6.1 非线性补偿 27
6.2 动态特性 27
6.3 温度补偿 28
本章小结 28
第7章 电涡流式测振传感器典型应用 29
7.1 常见典型应用 29
7.1.1 相对振动测量 29
7.1.2 转速测量 32
7.1.3 滚动轴承、电机换向器整流片动态监控 33
7.2 电涡流传感器及其监测系统在汽轮机上的典型应用 33
7.2.1 安装要求 33
(1)轴的径向振动测量 33
(2)轴的轴向位移测量 34
(3)键相测量 34
7.2.2 影响 35
(1)被测体材料对传感器的影响 35
(2)被测体表面平整度对传感器的影响 35
(3)被测体表面磁效应对传感器的影响 35
(4)被测体表面镀层对传感器的影响 36
(5)被测体表面尺寸对传感器的影响 36
7.2.3 影响因数 36
(1)对被测体的要求 36
(2)对工作的温度的要求 36
(3)对探头支架的要求 37
(4)对初始间隙的要求 37
本章小结 37
小结 38
参考文献 39
致谢 41