关键词:制动系统 制动器 建模
With the more and more developed traffic,the relationship between the safety reliability of vehicle and safety of people’s life and wealth is becoming more and more closer.Braking system plays an extremely crucial role as the initiative safety device in vehicle.Brake is an important part in braking system ,the function of which ralates directly to the braking fuction of the whole vehicle,influencing greatly to the safety of the driver and passengers’life and wealth.
This paper briefly introduces the functions,basic components and classification of braking system as well as the structure and characteristics of the brake and relevent driving device in detail.Based on the popular 7-seat SUV highland ,this paper selects the front brake and analyses its funtions.With the help of reference,it selects brake and accessorial mechanism reasonably,analyses the force conditions of braking system using the basic parameters of the referenced car,ascertains important braking parameters concerned and designs the dimensions of some parts of the brake involving relevant requirements so as to work out the front brake meeting the working conditions of the referenced car.Besides,it uses painting softwares Catia and Autocad to model and paint the brake.
Key words:braking system ,brake,modeling
3.1 参考车型相关参数

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的目的及意义 1
1.2 课题研究的的现状及发展趋势 1
1.3 课题研究的基本内容与目标 2
第2章 制动器与驱动机构结构型式的方案分析及选择 4
2.1 车辆制动器型式方案的分析 4
2.1.1 鼓式制动器 4
2.1.2 盘式制动器 7
2.2 制动驱动机构的结构型式分析 11
2.2.1 人力制动系 11
2.2.2 动力制动系 13
2.2.3 伺服制动系 15
2.3 制动器的设计要求 16
2.4 前制动器及其驱动机构的选型 18
第3章 制动器主要零部件的选型及设计计算 20
3.1 参考车型相关参数 20
3.2 前制动器制动盘的设计计算 21
3.2.1 制动盘直径的设计计算 21
3.2.2 制动盘厚度的设计 22
3.2.3制动盘材料的选择 22
3.3 制动块的设计计算 22
3.3.1 摩擦衬块的内外径及厚度 22
3.3.2 摩擦衬块的面积 23
3.3.3摩擦衬块材料的选择 23
3.4 制动钳钳体的设计 23
3.5 制动钳支架的设计 24
3.6 制动力与制动力矩的计算 24
3.6.1制动力及制动力分配系数 24
3.6.2同步附着系数 26
3.6.3制动强度与制动效率 26
3.6.4制动器最大制动力矩 28
3.7 制动效能的计算 28
3.8摩擦衬块磨损特性的计算 29
第4章 液压驱动机构的结构选型与设计计算 31
4.1 液压驱动机构的组成 31
4.2 制动回路型式的选择 33
4.3 制动轮缸的选型及其设计计算 34
4.4 制动主缸的选型及其设计计算 34
4.4.1 制动主缸的选型 34
4.4.2 制动主缸直径与工作容积的计算 34
4.5 制动踏板力与踏板行程的设计计算 35
第5章 结论 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39
附录 40