Suspension is an integral part of the automobile, the automobile suspension is an important factor that affects the ride comfort, handling stability and safety of the vehicle.. The main function of the suspension is in between the wheels and the frame force and torque transmission, and make the car driving on uneven road of mitigating the impact, attenuation caused by the vibration of the bearing system, to improve the ride comfort of the vehicle. Leaf spring can be said is most widely used in automobile suspension elastic element, it is by a plurality of equal width but unequal (thickness is equal to or unequal) alloy spring sheet combination and nearly equal strength of an elastic beam. With the rapid development of automotive technology, people put forward higher and more stringent requirements for the suspension, so the development of the suspension is also reasonable. This topic is on the basis of this, the design of the suspension of commercial vehicle. Through this topic can improve their understanding of automotive design. In this process, the mathematical model of the steel plate spring is established, and the calculation and optimization analysis are carried out. In order to meet the requirements of the strength and stiffness of the design, to minimize its quality. On the basis of independent development. After half a century of development, China's auto industry has begun to take shape, but it also faces many problems: backward technology, energy shortage, lack of innovation in the independent brand and fierce competition in the international competition. The automobile industry of our country needs fast, sustainable and healthy development. In order to accomplish this desire, we must adhere to the industrial innovation. In order to develop the automobile industry, the design and strength check of the suspension is very important.
Key Words:Medium sized commercial vehicle, leaf spring suspension, front suspension
车长(mm) 7280
车宽(mm) 2240
车高(mm) 2795
轴距(mm) 3800
前轮距(mm) 1830
后轮距(mm) 1680
整备质量(kg) 4800
满载质量(kg) 7300

第一章 研究背景 5
1.1课题研究意义和方法 5
1.2国内外研究现状 6
1.2.1国外研究现状 7
1.2.2国内研究现状 7
1.3本章小结 8
第二章 悬架的结构形式和参数 8
2.1钢板弹簧的概述 8
2.2钢板弹簧悬架的基本结构和工作原理 11
2.2.1钢板弹簧悬架的基本结构 11
2.2.2钢板弹簧悬架的工作原理 12
2.3本文采用中型商用车的参数 13
第三章 悬架系统的主要零部件选型 14
3.1叶片断面 14
3.2叶片断面形状 14
3.3 钢板弹簧与车架连接形式确定 15
3.4吊耳及钢板弹簧销的结构 15
3.5钢板弹簧卷耳和衬套 16
3.6弹簧夹箍 17
3.7钢板弹簧中心螺栓 17
第四章 悬架系统主要参数确定和强度计算 18
4.1悬架静挠度和动挠度的选择 18
4.2悬架的弹性特性 19
4.3悬架侧倾刚度及其在前、后轴的分配 20
4.2初选参数 22
4.2.1主片长度 22
4.2.2断面尺寸及片数的确定 22
4.3各片长度确定 24
4.4钢板弹簧刚度验算 25
4.5总成在自由状态下的弧高及曲率半径计算 25
4.5.1弹簧总成自由弧高的确定 26
4.5.2各片弹簧自由状态下曲率半径的确定 26
4.6钢板弹簧组装后总成弧高的核算 26
4.7钢板弹簧强度验算 27
4.7.1紧急制动时 27
4.7.2汽车通过不平路面时 27
4.8钢板弹簧卷耳和弹簧销的强度核算 28
4.9 减震器的分类选择 28
第五章 结论 29