Drive axle, which is the end of automotive drive train, is an important part in a car. It has several functions including but not limited to retarding, increasing torque, distributing torque and enable wheels on two sides can rotate in different speeds. And for a 4WD SUV, its front drive axle is also in need of the capacity of steering to ensure that the vehicle can be driven as driver’s requirement. To a front-engine four-wheels-drive SUV, front drive axle is consisted of retarder, differential, transfer case, axle shafts, cardan and axle housing. Drive axle is one of key components of a vehicle, so that the rationality of design of drive axle directly relate to usability of vehicle. And as it is one of parts under worst working conditions because it undertakes all forces and torques from road surface and suspension, a slight inappropriate design will lead to serious consequences.
This paper, which is based on traditional design method of the drive axle, studied the front drive axle of a 7-seats medium-sized SUV (Toyota Highland) in detail and propose a feasible design thought, then referred to structures of similar vehicles to determine general parameters of the design and the type of retarder, differential, axle shaft and axle housing, and finally checked strength of driving and driven gear of retarder, planetary and differential gear of differential and axle shaft. The whole design process fundamentally ensured the reasonability of structure, met practical operating requirements and requirements of utilization, serialization and standardization. Meanwhile this design keep the manufacturability of parts and the convenience of maintenance and repair to the greatest extent.
Key Words:drive axle;retarder;differential;axle shaft
1. 前轮距:1635mm;
2. 整备质量:2070kg;
3. 最大功率/转速:162kw/(4800-5600)rpm
4. 最大扭矩/转速:350N•m/(1700-4000)rpm
5. 轮胎规格:245/55 R19
6. 前进挡各档传动比:3.300、1.900、1.420、1.000、0.713、0.608

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 设计的目的及意义 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.3 设计的基本内容及要求 3
第2章 驱动桥总体设计 4
2.1 驱动桥结构方案的选定 4
2.2 驱动桥设计参数的选择 5
第3章 主减速器设计 6
3.1 主减速器的类型 6
3.2 主减速器主、从动齿轮的支撑形式 7
3.3 主减速器基本参数的设计及计算 7
3.3.1 主减速比的确定 7
3.3.2 主减速器齿轮计算载荷的确定 8
3.3.3 主减速器齿轮基本参数的选择 10
第4章 差速器设计 18
4.1 差速器结构形式的选择 18
4.2 对称式锥齿轮差速器设计 18
4.2.1 差速器齿轮基本参数的选择 18
4.2.2 差速器齿轮几何尺寸计算及强度校核 20
第5章 驱动车轮传动装置设计 24
5.1 半轴型式的选择 24
5.2 半轴有关设计和计算 24
5.3 半轴结构和工艺设计 26
5.4 半轴的强度校核 26
第6章 驱动桥其余部件的设计 29
6.1 万向节的设计 29
6.2 分动装置的设计 30
6.3 驱动桥壳的设计 32
第7章 结论 34
参考文献 35
附录A 36
致 谢 40