Automobile suspension is a very important part of the automobile driving system. The main function of automobile suspension is to transfer the force and torque between the body and the road. The shock absorber and elastic components of the suspension can play a role in buffering the impact, damping the vibration and ensuring the stable driving of the automobile.At the present stage, people have higher and higher requirements for the riding comfort of the car, which requires the design of a more excellent performance of the suspension so that the car has better ride and handling stability.
Taking the Jetta dream sedan as an example, this paper designs the rear suspension of the automobile and Adams software to carry out multi-body dynamics analysis of the suspension and design the suspension system meeting the requirements of automobile ride comfort.After a variety of suspension system comparison, the torque beam non-independent suspension is selected as the rear suspension ofthis Jetta car.In the process of designing the torsion beam suspension of automobile, the main parameters of the suspension such asthe static deflection, the deflection and vehicle running smoothness are determined according to the vehicle parameters. After that, specific parameters of suspension elastic elements and shock absorber are designed, including stiffness, diameter, winding number of spiral spring, size of shock absorber, damping coefficient, etc.
After all parameters are determined, catia software is used to conduct three-dimensional modeling and assembly for the rear suspension of the car. Hard point coordinates are determined according to the three-dimensional diagram, and then Adams is used for multi-body dynamics analysis to obtain the parameter changes of the whole car after the stress vibration of the car, so as to ensure the smooth running of the whole car and obtain the suspension system with reliable performance.
Keywords:Torsion beam suspension; 3D modeling;Simulation
这次毕设课题的主体是某7140型汽车,在此我选择2019款捷达梦想版1.4L 的车型进行汽车后悬架设计,其主要整车参数如下:
1)加速时间(0—100 km/h):11.8s;
5)外形尺寸(长 宽 X高):4501mm 1704mm 1469mm;
10)最大功率/转速:66kW/ 5500r/min(rpm);
11)最大扭矩/转速:132Nm/ 3800r/min(rpm);
12)轮胎规格:185/60 R15。
14)后悬LR: 1105mm

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 悬架功用 1
1.2 悬架组成 1
1.3 研究背景 1
第二章 悬架方案选择 3
2.1 悬架的分类 3
2.2 悬架类型选择 4
第三章 悬架整体参数设计 6
3.1 悬架设计内容 6
3.2 整车参数 6
3.3 悬架偏频选取 7
3.4 悬架系统的静挠度 7
3.5 悬架系统的动挠度 8
3.6 悬架的刚度 8
第四章 悬架主要零件的设计 9
4.1. 螺旋弹簧设计 9
4.1.1 弹簧刚度设计 9
4.1.2 螺旋弹簧钢丝直径 9
4.1.3 螺旋弹簧的具体参数 11
4.2. 减震器参数设计 12
4.2.1 减震器工作原理 12
4.2.2 阻尼系数的确定 14
4.2.3 最大卸载力F的确定 14
4.2.4 减振器的尺寸设计 15
4.3. 扭力梁的设计 16
4.3.1 扭力杆材料 16
4.3.2 扭杆尺寸 16
第五章 基于adams的悬架分析 18
5.1 Adams简介 18
5.2 悬架运动仿真 18
5.2.1 仿真过程 18
5.2.2 分析结果 19
5.3 悬架振动分析 20
5.3.1 仿真过程 20
5.3.2 分析结果 21
第六章 结论 23
参考文献 24
附录A 螺旋弹簧的计算 25
附录B 扭力梁悬架三维图 26
致谢 27