Suspension plays an important role in modern cars. On the one hand, it conveys various forces and moments, and the other side, which can decay the vibration of the body and ensure the ride comfort of the car.
This paper mainly completes the design of Ford Hitachi intermediate SUV suspension structure. In the design, the role, composition and development status of the suspension are introduced first. Then, the structure of the superfluous vehicles in the Ford sharp boundary is selected to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the suspension. The suspension type is McPherson independent suspension. And then complete the design of the corresponding parts of the suspension even if the check and check. In the calculation process, mainly including the coil spring, shock absorber and lateral stabilizer bar parameter calculation and strength check. Then, the kinematic model of the McPherson front suspension is established by Adams / car, and then the simulation analysis is carried out to observe the change of the front wheel positioning parameters during the movement process, so as to test whether the designed suspension is reasonable in structure. Finally, according to the calculated data of the various parts using catia and CAD to complete the assembly drawing and drawing of parts.
Key Words:McPherson independent suspension; Coil spring; Shock absorber
表2.1 主要参数
参数 参数值
长×宽×高 4878*1925*1734(mm)
轴距 2850(mm)
整备质量 1845(kg)
满载质量 2220(kg)
主销内倾角 10°
车轮外倾角 0.5°
减振器内倾角 6°
主销后倾角 2.5°
主销轴线与减震器夹角 4°

第1章绪论 1
1.1 悬架的功用 1
1.2 悬架的组成 1
1.3悬架的分类 3
1.3.1非独立悬架 3
1.3.2独立悬架 3
1.4悬架的设计要求 6
1.5悬架的国内外发展情况 6
第2章悬架结构分析及设计 8
2.1悬架结构方案分析 8
2.1.1 独立悬架与非独立悬架结构形式的选择 8
2.1.2 悬架具体结构形式的选择 8
2.2减振元件分析 8
2.3传力构件及导向机构分析 9
2.4横向稳定杆 9
2.5悬架的弹性特性和工作行程 9
2.5.1悬架频率的选择 10
2.5.2悬架的工作行程 10
2.5.3悬架刚度计算 10
第3章悬架主要零件设计 12
3.1螺旋弹簧的设计计算 12
3.1.1螺旋弹簧材料的选择 12
3.1.2螺旋弹簧的刚度选择 12
3.1.3螺旋弹簧几何参数的计算 13
3.1.4螺旋弹簧刚度校核 14
3.2减振器结构类型的选择 15
3.2.1减振器结构参数的计算 17
3.3 横向稳定杆的设计 18
第4章基于adams/car的仿真分析 22
4.1前悬架模型的建立 22
4.2前悬架系统的仿真分析 24
结论 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29