Three-dimensional design of light truck's universal transmission device
Three-dimensional design of light truck’s universal transmission device based on Pro/E is carried out. The universal transmission device is made up of shaft, universal joint, telescopic spline etc. It is mainly used to work in the process of the relative position changing between the two shaft transmission torque and rotation motion .Expansion sleeve can automatically adjust. In a word, all the sizes meet the needs of the project.
the change of the distance between the transmission and drive axle. In this paper, Light truck’s design parameters are selected according to Automotive Engineering Manual. Next, transmission load of universal transmission shafts is analyzed, the sizes of cross universal joints、needle bearings、transmission shafts、transmission shafts of spline、flange forks of the universal joint are designed and checked. Besides, the modeling process of flange forks of the universal joint、cross universal shafts、intermediate shafts and connected devices are showed by Pro/E. At last, we assemble the universal transmission device.
Keywords: light truck, universal joint, drive shaft, modeling.
发动机的最大输出扭矩: (n=2100r/min);
变速器传动比: 、

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 1
1.1发展与现状 1
1.2组成和应用 1
第二章轻型载货汽车万向传动装置结构方案及设计计算 3
2.1万向节结构方案的分析与选择 3
2.1.1十字轴式万向节 3
2.1.2 准等速万向节 4
2.1.3双十字轴万向节传动运动分析 4
2.2轻型载货汽车设计参数 5
2.3设计思路: 5
2.4传动载荷计算 6
2.4.1按发动机最大转矩和一档传动比来计算 6
2.4.2按驱动轮打滑来计算 7
2.5十字轴万向节设计 7
2.5.1初选十字轴万向节尺寸 7
2.5.2十字轴颈作用力合力F的计算 8
2.5.3十字轴颈部的弯曲应力 8
2.5.4十字轴颈部的切应力 9
2.6滚针轴承设计 9
2.6.1滚针轴承初选尺寸 9
2.6.2一个滚针所承受的最大载荷 9
2.6.3滚针轴承的接触应力 10
2.7传动轴初步设计 10
2.7.1万向传动轴的结构分析 10
2.7.2传动轴设计计算 11
2.7.3传动轴强度校核 12
2.8花键轴设计 12
2.8.1花键尺寸的确定 12
2.8.2花键齿侧向挤压应力 13
2.9万向节凸缘叉叉处断面校核 13
2.9.1弯曲应力 14
2.9.2扭转应力 14
第三章基于Pro/E的万向传动轴三维建模 15
3.1万向节凸缘叉的建模 15
3.1.1凸缘的草图 15
3.1.2万向节凸缘叉三维图 16
3.2万向节十字轴总成的建模 16
3.2.1 万向节十字轴建模 16
3.2.2 卡环的建模 18
3.2.3 油封的建模 19
3.2.4 滚针轴承的建模 20
3.2.5 套筒的建模 21
3.2.6 十字轴总成装配 22
3.3花键轴的建模 23
3.3.1外花键的建模 23
3.3.2内花键的建模 24
3.4万向传动轴总装装配方法及三维图 26
3.4.1万向传动轴总装装配方法 26
3.4.2万向传动轴总装装配图 27
第四章 总结 28
4.1设计内容总结 28
4.2体会 28
参考文献 30
致谢 32