The main purpose of this paper is to complete a two-stage transmission axle design of medium-sized truck.Drive axle is one of the important assembly of the car driving system, mainly included the drive axle housing, differential, final drive and axle.This design is composed of two-stage gear reduction mechanism.Compared with the single-stage drive axle, the two-stage transmission drive axle can ensure sufficient clearance from the ground, but also ensure a larger transmission ratio.But the latter structure is complex,the size and quality are larger, the manufacturing cost is relatively high.So it is usually used in mediumorheavy commercial vehicles.
This design starts from the whole, analyzes the structure and development status of each part of the driving axle, so as to determine the overall design scheme.The design scheme mainly includes:the double reduction final drive first stage using spiral bevel gear, the second level using helical cylindrical gear drive, differential using symmetrical bevel gear differential, half axle structure selection of full floating , driving axle shell with steel plate stamping welding integral axle shelland so on.The purpose of this paper is to design a medium-sized truck two-stage deceleration drive axle by designing and checking the parts of the driving axle reasonably.
Key Words:Drive axle;Double reduction final drive;Differential;Half axle;Drive axle housing
发动机的最大功率 Pemax kW/np (r/min) 99/3000
发动机的最大转矩 Temax N•m/nr (r/min) 360/1300
最大装载质量 kg 5000
汽车总质量 kg 9290
最高车速 km/h 85
后轮轮距 mm 1800
后轮载荷 60%
轮胎(轮辋宽度-轮辋直径) 英寸 9.00-20

摘要 I
第1章绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 课题研究现状 1
1.2.1国外研究现状 1
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3 设计的主要内容 2
1.4 设计的技术路线 3
第2章驱动桥总体方案的确定 4
2.1 驱动桥的设计要求 4
2.2 基本参数的选择 4
2.3 主减速器结构方案的确定 4
2.3.1主减速比i0的确定 4
2.3.2主减器齿轮类型的确定 5
2.3.3主减器减速形式的确定 6
2.3.4主减器主从动锥齿轮支撑方式的确定 6
2.4 差速器结构方案的确定 7
2.5半轴型式的确定 7
2.6桥壳型式的确定 8
2.7本章小结 8
第3章主减速器的基本参数选择与设计计算 8
3.1 主减速器齿轮计算载荷的确定 8
3.2 主减速齿轮主要参数的选择与几何尺寸计算 9
3.2.1主减器主要参数的选择 9
3.2.2主减器几何尺寸计算 10
3.3 主减速齿轮强度的计算 12
3.4 第二级齿轮参数的选择与齿轮强度校核 14
3.4.1第二级齿轮基本参数的确定 14
3.4.2第二级齿轮的校核 16
第4章轴承的选择与校核 17
4.1主减速器齿轮上作用力的计算 17
4.2轴和轴承设计计算 18
4.4本章小结 20
第5章差速器设计 21
5.1 差速器的概述 21
5.2 差速器齿轮的基本参数选择 21
5.3 差速器齿轮的几何尺寸和强度的设计计算 23
5.3.1差速器齿轮的几何尺寸计算 23
5.3.2差速器齿轮的强度计算 24
5.4 本章小结 26
第6章半轴设计 26
6.1 半轴的设计计算 26
6.1.1半轴计算转矩的确定 26
6.1.2半轴的设计与校核 27
6.2 半轴的材料与热处理 28
6.3 本章小结 28
第7章驱动桥壳设计 29
7.1 桥壳的受力分析及强度计算 29
7.1.1桥壳的静弯曲应力计算 29
7.1.2 在不平路面冲击载荷作用下桥壳的强度计算 30
7.1.4汽车受最大侧向力时的桥壳强度计算 32
7.2 本章小结 33
结论 35
参考文献 36
致谢 38
附录 39