This design is for the medium truck axles. Automotive drive axle as an important part of car in the drive train, it set up at the end of the transmission system, by the main reducer, differential machine, half shaft and finally axle housing, Manufacturing level is the top priorityIt will be the drive shaft from the torque engine torque form of the differential reducer, auto seek breakthrough has important significance to our country. differential tags the main reducer to drive the wheels.
In this manual, according to the given parameters, the set of drive axle first of all to carry on the design of main reducer. Is mainly about the structure of main reducer, and geometry size design. Secondly, to choose tag the main reducer, Commercial vehicle market as an differential and the gear has carried on the design and hypoid gear as the main drive gear speed reducer calculation. After, the size of half shaft, support form, as well as the bridge shell and characteristics are analyzed in the form of design. Then, on the strength of the gear check.
Using the broken open drive extreme emphasis on durability, reliability and fuel economy of a marketable is because it has simple structure, good processing manufacturability, manufacturing easy, tear open outfit, easy to adjust, reliable work, excusing single stage the main reducer, because of its simple structure, small volume and quality and manufacturing cost is low. The hypoid gear as the main drive gear speed reducer is due to Elevate the status of domestic commercial vehicle on a global scaliest size compact, bearing load is high; its drive smoothly without noise, the intensity is high. Using common bevel gear differential, due to its simple structure, stable, easy to manufacture. Due to the truck load is bigger, so this design USES only under the transmission torque without full floating half shaft under bending moment and the integral bridge shell stiffness and strength is higher.
Key Words: Drive axle; the main reducer; Differential; Half shaft; Bridge shell

第1章绪论 1
1.1目的及意义 1
1.2驱动桥简介 2
1.3货车驱动桥的设计要求 2
1.4驱动桥总成的结构形式及布置 3
第2章驱动桥主减速器设计 4
2.1主减速器形式及选择 4
2.2主减速器的齿轮类型 4
2.3主减速器主、从动锥齿轮的支撑方式及调整 6
2.3.1主动锥齿轮的支撑 6
2.3.2从动锥齿轮的支撑 6
2.3.3锥齿轮轴承的预紧与调整 7
2.4主减速器基本参数的设计计算 8
2.4.1主减速比 的确定 8
2.4.2主减速器齿轮计算载荷的确定 8
2.4.3主、从动齿轮齿数的选择 10
2.4.4从动锥齿轮节圆直径及端面模数的选择 10
2.4.5双曲面齿轮齿宽 的选择 11
2.4.6双曲面小齿轮偏移距及偏移方向的选择 11
2.4.7螺旋角β的选择 12
2.4.8法向压力角 及铣刀盘名义直径的选择 13
2.4.9主减速器圆弧齿双曲面齿轮的几何尺寸计算 13
2.5主减速器圆弧齿双曲面齿轮的强度计算 15
2.5.1单位齿长上的圆周力 15
2.5.2双曲面齿轮轮齿的计算弯曲强度计算 16
2.5.3轮齿的齿面接触强度计算 17
2.6主减速器齿轮的材料选择及热处理 17
第3章载货汽车差速器的设计 19
3.1对称式锥齿轮差速器差速原理 19
3.2对称式锥齿轮差速器中的转矩分配 20
3.3差速器齿轮设计 21
3.3.1行星齿轮数目及行星齿轮球面半径 的设计 21
3.3.2行星齿轮与半轴齿轮齿数的选择 21
3.3.3差速器锥齿轮模数及半轴齿轮分度圆直径的初步确定 22
3.3.4差速器几何尺寸计算 22
3.4行星齿轮轴的选用 23
3.5差速器强度计算 24
第4章驱动车轮的传动装置的设计 26
4.1半轴形式 26
4.2全浮式半轴计算载荷的确定 26
4.3全浮式半轴杆部直径的初选 27
4.4半轴的强度计算 27
4.5花键的剪切应力与挤压应力 28
4.6半轴材料及热处理 28
第5章驱动桥壳的设计 30
5.1驱动桥壳的功用和设计要求 30
5.2驱动桥壳结构方案分析 30
5.3桥壳的静弯曲应力计算 31
5.4在不平路面冲击载荷作用下的桥壳强度计算 32
5.5汽车以最大牵引力行驶时的桥壳强度计算 33
5.6汽车紧急制动时的桥壳强度计算 34
第6章总结 36
6.1 结论 36
6.2展望 36
参考文献 38
致谢 39