Design of automobile positioning alarm based on GPS and pyroelectric sensor
Abstract: This design is the use of pyroelectric infrared sensor to detect the human body infrared signal near the car,with the micro-controller as the core, detect the signal, and then control the buzzer alarm,control GSM alarm module to send text messages,and real-time GPS position is sent to the user mobile phone,achieve the function of remote alarm.Users can set the button alarm mode.The hardware part includes the control circuit of SCM, pyroelectric infrared sensor, sound and light alarm circuit, button setting circuit, GSM SMS alarm module, GPS precision latitude time measurement module, LCD display module and other components.The SCM is AT89c52, the whole system is working under the control of the microcontroller program.
Key words: Pyroelectric sensor;GPS;Microcontroller;Alarm system

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1热释电红外传感器概况 1
1.2.2定位导航系统的概况 2
1.2.3汽车防盗系统的概况 3
2 系统总体设计方案 5
2.1概述 5
2.2系统设计要求 6
2.3系统主要模块选型 6
2.3.1主控模块 6
2.3.2传感器模块 7
2.3.3 GPS信号接收模块 8
2.3.4 报警电路模块 8
2.3.5 显示模块 9
3 硬件设计 9
3.1单片机最小系统 9
3.2热释电模块 11
3.2.1原理介绍 11
3.2.2功能特点 13
3.2.3放大电路的优化设计 13
3.2.4布置和安装要求 13
3.3 GSM/GPS模块 13
3.4 LCD12864显示屏 15
3.4.1 LCD12864特性介绍 15
3.4.2 LCD12864内部结构图 16
3.4.3 LCD12864的控制信号说明 16
3.4.4 LCD12864电路原理图 17
3.5时钟模块 17
3.5.1 DS1302概述 17
3.5.2 DS1302特点 18
3.5.3 DS1302引脚和电路原理图 18
3.6 独立按键 18
3.7报警电路 19
4 系统软件设计 20
4.1 GPS/GSM程序设计 20
4.1.1 AT指令 20
4.1.2 AT 指令发送程序设计 21
4.1.3 GPS软件初始化设计 22
4.1.4 NMEA0183数据格式解析 22
4.2 LCD显示流程图 24
4.3 按键流程图 24
5 系统调试 25
5.1硬件调试 26
5.2软件调试 26
6 结束语 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29