LTE技术早已成为4G技术的主流标准,在世界各个国家被广泛应用、研究。其中TD-LTE与FDD-LTE是其中两个不同的分支,分别表示时分双工与频分双工。 LTE 技术是在3G的基础上发展而来,在对信号传送以及频谱的利用方面的性能有了很大的提升。LTE的研究一直在深入发展,现已经提出了LTE-A,Small Cell的概念。
LTE technology has long been the mainstream standard for 4G technology and is widely used and researched in various countries around the world.Among them, TD-LTE and FDD-LTE are two different branches, which represent time division duplex and frequency division duplex respectively.LTE technology is developed on the basis of 3G, and its performance in signal transmission and spectrum utilization has been greatly improved.The research of LTE has been in-depth development, and the concept of LTE-A, Small Cell has been proposed.
For the research of LTE, people have long been not limited to the use of software simulations that have both advantages and disadvantages, but are more inclined to use software radio platforms for research.Software radio technology has the same flexibility as software simulation, and can directly adapt to different complex environments, but at the same time the simulation platform also determines the credibility and efficiency of the research results, even in the production of the results are decisive factors .
This paper mainly studies the standards of LTE in 3GPP, and some of them are simulated, including: CRC check coding, code block segmentation, Turbo coding, modulation module; and it runs on the software-defined radio platform, gives the results of software simulation and actual software-defined radio system operation, and carries on the result analysis.
Key words:TD-LTE;link-levelsimulation;software-defined radio

第1章绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2移动通信技术的发展历程 2
1.3移动通信技术的特点与面临的挑战 2
1.4 主要研究内容与安排 3
第2章 LTE物理层模型及关键技术 4
2.1 LTE物理层整体框架 4
2.2 OFDM技术原理及特点 5
2.2.1 OFDM简介 5
2.2.2 OFDM技术原理 6
2.2.3 OFDM技术特点 7
2.2.4 OFDM系统的频谱 8
2.3 多天线技术 9
2.4 帧结构 10
第3章 TD-LTE物理层链路仿真的设计 12
3.1 系统的整体构建 12
3.2比特级信号处理实现 12
3.2.1数据产生 12
3.2.2 CRC校验编码 12
3.2.3 码块分割 14
3.2.4 信道编码 16
3.2.5 调制 18
第4章软件设计及仿真结果 23
4.1 LabVIEW仿真图 23
4.2 仿真结果 24
4.3 XSRP实际运行图 26
第5章论文的总结与展望 32
5.1 论文总结 32
5.2 论文展望 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34