摘 要
In contemporary society,people have a higher demand for receiving,handling and transferr-
ing information.So the wireless sensor network is no longer able to meet people's requirements. In this context, the Internet of Things came into being. Internet technology continues to mature and application, making a lot of machines have a "life". The M2M technology as a branch of things, can be very easy to “communicate with” machine .
This paper will use wireless sensor network technology as the starting point to explore its role in the M2M system. And as a basis, to achieve the design and implementation of M2M system. In this paper, the M2M system is divided into three modules, namely, wireless sensor network, GSM module, server side. In this paper, STC15W4K56S4 microcontroller as the master chip, DHT11 for the sensor to establish a wireless sensor network;In the GSM chip selection, A8500 built-in TCP / IP protocol, can ensure reliable transmission of data, and the price is not high, so the choice of high- Which is the GSM chip; server side is to choose TCP server software to build their own.
This paper completes the design of GSM module, data transmission and reverse control software, In the data transmission design part, this design uses UDP protocol and GPRS network, and the use of idle time to send heartbeat package to ensure the normal network connection. Reverse control design part of the fixed format of the information as a control command, the embedded system to confirm the control command, the terminal node will be updated parameters. After the completion of a series of debugging, to achieve the SMS, data messaging function, that has been successfully achieved from the sensor layer to the application layer connection, to achieve a wireless sensor network and external public network connection.
Keywords: M2M, GSM, GPRS, Remote data transmission

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的及意义 1
1.2 M2M通信发展状况 2
1.2.1 M2M的国内研究现状 3
1.2.2 M2M的国外研究现状 4
1.3 主要研究内容 4
1.4 本章小结 5
第2章 M2M系统整体设计方案研究 6
2.1 基于M2M的无线数据通道设计的需求分析 6
2.2 设计方案论证 6
2.2.1 无线通信技术讨论 6
2.2.2 嵌入式技术讨论 8
2.2.3 传感器技术讨论 8
2.3 基于ZigBee的无限传感器网络体系架构 8
2.4 整体系统框架结构 10
2.5 本章小结 11
第3章 M2M系统的设计与实现 12
3.1 系统硬件设计 12
3.1.1 嵌入式硬件体系 12
3.1.2 SI4438终端节点模块的设计 13
3.1.3 GSM模块设计 14
3.2 M2M系统软件设计 16
3.2.1 开发环境的搭建 16
3.2.2 数据透传软件设计 17
3.2.3 反向控制软件设计 20
3.3 本章小结 21
第4章 系统调试与分析 23
4.1 GSM模块调试 23
4.2 数据透传软件调试 24
4.3 反向控制软件调试 25
4.4 本章小结 26
第5章 总结与展望 28
5.1 总结 28
5.2 展望 29
参考文献 30
附录 31
致 谢 55