近年来,社会经济因科技快速发展,迫切地需要更为节能的资源作为经济发展的保障。而公共照明在城市耗能上占比率不可忽视,每年我国在路灯照明上所消耗的电能资源极其巨大,所以在照明这方面方面需要投入研究。目前我国已经主要采用LED(Light Emitting Diode)路灯进行照明,但在节能控制上还存在耗能的问题。
关键词: LED路灯 节能 AT89C52单片机 模拟控制
Design of Street LED Lamps Energy-saving Control Facility
For years, boom of society owing to the rapid of technological and scientific progress, it is urgently to need more energy-saving resources as a guarantee to support economic development. The rate of consumption of lighting in the city cannot be ignored. Every year, the energy consumption of the electric energy consumed by the street lamps in our country is enormous. Thereby we must be dedicated to investment research in this part. At present, though our country has already mainly used street LED lamps for lighting, there is also some problem of energy consumption in the energy-saving control.
From both of the perspective of energy-saving control and cost performance, the paper proposes a kind of street LED lamps energy-saving system based on AT89C52 single-chip as the main controller to realize the energy-saving simulation control of street lamps. The design of system mainly is made of hardware designing and software debug, the hardware system design includes MCU minimum system, clock module, the circuit control module, LCD display module, keyboard control module, key tone module, sensor module. And the software system mainly according to hardware system use structure method to analysis the function of each module, to draw the whole process graph and to write out the corresponding program. To achieve street lamps can automatically adjust according to external environment and traffic factor, and realize intelligent control.
Key Words:street LED lamps;energy saving;AT89C52 single-chip;simulation control

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题简介 1
1.2 研究背景及发展现状 1
1.3 研究目的及意义 3
第二章 系统总体设计 4
2.1 设计思路 4
2.2 系统框架 4
2.3 控制功能实现要求 5
2.4 方案论证与确认 6
2.4.1 控制器的选取 6
2.4.2 时钟模块的选择 6
2.4.3 传感器的选取 7
2.4.4 液晶模块的选取 7
2.4.5 按键模块的选取 7
2.4 本章小结 8
第三章 系统硬件设计 9
3.1 硬件设计概述 9
3.2 关键单元电路的设计 9
3.2.1 控制核心AT89C52电路设计 9
3.2.2 DS1302电路的设计 11
3.2.3 液晶电路的设计 12
3.3.4 模数转换电路设计 13
3.3.5 按键键盘的设计 15
3.3 本章小结 16
4.1 软件流程设计 17
4.2 各模块程序设计 18
4.2.1 时钟子程序 18
4.2.2 液晶显示子程序 19
4.2.3 调时子程序 20
4.2.4 按键扫描子程序 22
4.2.5 A/D转换子程序 24
4.2.6 行车亮灯子程序 27
4.3 本章小结 27
第五章 软硬件仿真实现 28
5.1 仿真实现 28
5.2 本章小结 30
结语 31
致谢 32
附录 35