Digital signal processing (DSP) is a popular research direction in the field of signal processing, as an important part of digital signal in the field of biomedical signal processing is also more and more get the attention of the researchers, and biomedical signal and our life is becoming more and more closely. As a wavelet transform signal analysis methods of quickly developing, its application is becoming more and more widely in various fields, especially the analysis of the wavelet transform method and signal characteristics of biomedical signal has a better fit, so wavelet transform associated with biomedical signal processing is a breakthrough of the application.
In this paper, the basic principles of the generation, collection, characteristics, processing methods and wavelet transform of biomedical signals are introduced. This paper mainly studies the application characteristics of wavelet transform in biomedical signal processing and its advantages and disadvantages compared with traditional analysis methods.
The results show that the traditional analysis of biomedical signals (Fourier transform) method based on the analysis of features of signal part and detail part has obvious flaw defects, wavelet transform can decompose the signals of different frequency components, good highlights the transient characteristics of the signal and details. Compared with the traditional analysis method and wavelet transform analysis, the wavelet transform is more suitable for the analysis and processing of signals with rich signal characteristics and details.
This article features: in this paper, based on the theory of the signals by MATLAB simulation software simulation, can be observed in a more intuitive from the simulation results out of the processing characteristics of wavelet transform, can also look for comparing the different wavelet processing and then find a better deal with wavelet.
Key Word:Biomedical signals; biomedical signal processing; wavelet transform; MATLAB.

第1章绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景、目的和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3课题研究内容、预期目标 1
第2章生物医学信号及其处理方法 3
2.1生物医学信号的产生 3
2.2生物医学信号的特点 3
2.3生物医学信号的采集 4
2.4生物医学信号的处理方法 5
第3章小波变换理论 6
3.1从傅里叶变换到小波变换 6
3.2小波变换的基本原理 6
3.3 小波变换的分类及其应用 8
第4章基于小波变换的生物医学信号处理的MATLAB仿真 11
4.1生物医学信号的基本处理流程 11
4.2MATLAB软件的介绍 12
4.3函数分析法仿真及分析 12
4.4 GUI图形界面操作法仿真及分析 27
第5章结论 40
参考文献 42
致谢 43