关键词:建筑给排水 高层建筑 变频调速 市政管网
the water supply and drainage design of commercial and residential high-rise building
The design is a 18-story apartment building of architectural design,including water supply systems,drainage systems,automatic sprinkler ystems and rainwater drainage systems.Water-supply system partition,-1 to 2 layer for the low zone,by the municipal waater supply pipe directly;3 to 10 layer for the central area and 11 to 18 layer for the high zone,the water pump pressurized water from the underground pool and set frequency converter. Drainage system with dual stack drainage system,sewer pipe special,household sewage from the 3th floor,supermarket separate drainage.Fire-fighting system mainly uses the hydrant system ,fire-fighting water consumption by the early 10min roof tank supply,fire-fighting water tanks of water by the living water pump from life pond pump;10min the fire starts after the fire pump,from the fire pump for fire hydrant.Shopping mall,baement and elevators locates nozzles.The drainageof roof rainwater outside the building.
Key words:building water supply and drainage;high-rise buildings;frequency control device;municipal pipe network
摘要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 概述 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2设计资料 1
第二章 设计说明书 2
2.1建筑给水系统 2
2.1.1给水方案的比较与选择 2
2.1.2给水系统组成 3
2.1.3给水管道的布置与敷设 3
2.2消防系统 4
2.2.1消火栓系统 4
2.2.2自动喷水灭火系统 6
2.3室内排水系统 8
2.3.1系统选择 8
2.3.2系统组成 8
2.3.3排水管道安装要求 8
2.4雨水系统 8
2.4.1雨水排水系统选择 8
2.4.2雨水排水系统的组成 8
2.4.3雨水管道的敷设与布置 8
第三章 设计计算书 10
3.1给水系统计算 10
3.1.1用水量设计计算 10
3.1.2生活水池容积计算 11
3.1.3引入管设计流量的确定 12
3.1.4水表的选择 12
3.1.5生活给水系统水力计算 13
3.1.6地下室生活增压设备的选择 19
3.2消防系统的计算 19
3.2.1消火栓系统的计算 19
3.2.2自动喷淋系统的计算 25
3.3室内排水系统的计算 28
3.3.1确定排水体制 28
3.3.2横支管的计算 28
3.3.3立管及排出管的计算 33
3.3.4集水坑及提升泵计算选型 33
3.3.5化粪池设计和计算 34
3.4雨水排水系统的设计与计算 35
3.4.1汇水面积计算 35
3.4.2雨水量计算 36
3.4.3雨水斗选用 37
3.4.4连接管计算 37
3.4.5连接管计算 37
3.4.6排除管计算 37
参考文献 38