主入口选在东南面,东北和西北各有一辅助 出入口,西南和西北各有一栋7层教学楼,东北向有一5层图书馆,南向有一空地,可以利用。
关键字:框架结构 主体结构 建筑设计 结构设计 办公楼设计 行政办公 结构造型 基础 楼梯
That engineering locates some high school in high and new area in city, for the sake of the development of the orientation school, intend new set up in school on dismantling to change of air the administration transact the floor.
A total area 8500 square meter, a ground is on all sides to have ten main trunk highway in campus in breadth in rice, the main entrance chooses in the southeast, the northeast is each to have with the northwest an assistance exit and entrance, the southwest is each to have with the northwest a ridgepole of 7 layer teaching floor, the northeast faces to reach a 5 layer library, the south faces have a vacant land, can make use of.
The building part adoption a positive software graphics of this design, the construction part adoption PKPM software comes to computes the components an inside dint and its go together with the steel reinforcing bar.Although whole a contents for structural calculation all being computed by software concluding fruit, for the sake of well-trainedly controling construction calculation with step, further make stronger the profession knowledge that four years in university learn of, ability that toughen by oneself calculate, selects by examinations specially horizontal a frame conduct and actions calculation object, combine to compute with the software of PKPM the calculation result of result proceeding comparison.
The building design part proceeded the comprehensive consideration with the economic from the architectural function respectively, the independence completed the architectural and total flat surface design, building the design of the flat surface, of erect , section and the furniture of various offices arrange with the commode of the hygiene has of arrange.
The construction design part synthesized the consideration the geology term, breeze carries, the influence of earthquake function etc., proceeded whole a design for structural floor plank design, beam pillar design, stairs etc..Whole construction adoption frame construction system, the foundation adoption pillar descends the independent foundation, stairs the adoption sprinkles the plank type stairs construction now.
That engineering synthesized the consideration the high school transact for the usage space with green turn every kind of need that wait but design;Not only have to transact the space amplely to amuse the place with the leisure, but also considered to transact the personnel need toward parking etc. well.Make whole construction shape simple in satisfying well the foundation of the usage, return whole, the humanities landscape is abundant, attaining the usage completely with beauty of perfect combination.
Key word: Frame construction Corpus construction Building design Construction design Transact the floor design The administration transacts Construction shape foundation Stairs
§2.1 工程概况
口选在东南面,东北和西北各有一辅助 出入口,西南和西北各有一栋7 层教学楼,东北向有一5层图书馆,南向有一空地,可以利用。
(1) 主体建筑为5层,全现浇框架结构,南北朝向。
(2) 主入口两侧分别设有花园及绿化带,场地正中为一假山景观。
(6)基础:基础采用锥型独立基础,其墙身厚为3米,地基承载力标准值 =300KN/M³。
§2.1.4 建筑说明
(3)梁、柱钢筋采用HPB335,其余用HPB235;梁、柱混凝土强度用C25,现浇板混凝土强度为C20, 板厚为100㎜。
(5)基本风压: =0.35KN/m²。(地面粗糙度属B类)。
§2.1.5 建筑抗震
§2.1.6 图纸说明

目 录
目 录 1
摘要 4
§1 设计任务书 7
§1.1 设计资料 7
§1.1.1 场地资料 7
§1.1.2设计参考资料 8
§1.2 设计要求 8
§1.2.1 总平面设计 8
§1.2.2办公楼设计 9
§1.2.3 设计内容 10
§1.2.4施工图基本要求 12
§1.2.5设计说明书 12
§2 前言 13
§2.1 工程概况 13
§2.1.1工程概论 13
§2.1.2总平面设计 13
§2.1.3建筑做法 13
§2.1.4 建筑说明 14
§2.1.5 建筑抗震 14
§2.1.6 图纸说明 15
§3 结构说明 15
§3.1 计算简图及刚度计算 15
§3.1.1 结构布置及结构计算 15
§3.1.2柱截面尺寸的确定 15
§3.1.3 梁截面尺寸的确定 16
§3.1.4计算简图的确定 17
§3.1.5框架刚度计算(横向) 18
§4.荷载计算 22
§4.1恒载及活载(标准值)计算 23
§4.1.1恒载及活载(标准值)横向计算 23
§4.1.2纵向恒载计算 24
§4.2关于荷载计算的说明 26
§5.1地震作用分析 26
§5.1.1地震作用下重力荷载代表值 , , , , (周期)计算 26
§5.2基本自振周期 (第一振型的周期) 28
§5.2.1顶点位移的计算采用D值法 28
§5.2.2顶点位移法计算周期 28
§5.2.3. 按能量法计算周期 29
§5.2.4计算 , , (水平地震作用)标准值 29
§5.3 层间弹性位移(横向) 31
§5.3.5 层间弹性位移(纵向) 32
§6 竖向荷载下的内力计算 32
§6.1恒荷载及其内力分布(采用标准值计算) 33
§6.1.1框架各层横荷载(中框架) 33
§6.2固端弯矩计算 34
§6.2.1固端弯矩计算 34
§6.2.2弯矩分配系数计算 35
§6.2.3恒载作用下的内力图 36
§6.2.4框架在恒载作用下的内力图 38
§6.2.5活载及其内力分析(采用标准值计算) 38
§6.2.6活荷载作用下的内力图 40
§7 水平荷载下的内力计算 43
§7.1地震力及其内力分析(中框架,取标准值) 43
§7.1.3地震内力图 45
§7.2风载及其内力分析(中框架,取标准值) 46
§7.2.1风荷载计算 46
§7.2.2风荷载计算公式 47
§7.2.3荷载计算及简图 47
§7.2.4 D值法计算梁、柱M、N、V值 49
§8 内力组合 51
§8.1梁的内力组合 51
§8.1.1梁的内力组合(计算数值见梁的内力组合表) 51
§8.1.2 梁端内力(以CE杆件为例) 51
§8.2柱的内力组合 53
§8.1.1柱的内力组合(计算数值见梁的内力组合表) 53
§8.1.2柱端内力(举例 杆件为例) 53
§9 框架梁、柱的配筋计算 54
§9.1梁配筋计算 54
§9.1.1纵向配筋计算 55
§9.2柱配筋计算 58
§9.2.1正截面承载力计算 59
§9.2.2 轴心受压构件验算 59
§9.2.3在 作用下正截面偏心受压承载力计算 60
§9.2.4斜截面配筋计算 61
§10 楼梯计算 62
§10.1设计资料 63
§10.2楼梯板计算 63
§10.2.1荷载计算以及内力分析 63
§10.2.2配筋计算 64
§10.3 平台板计算 65
§10.3.1荷载计算以及内力分析 65
§10.3.2 平台板配筋计算 65
§10.4 平台梁计算 66
§10.4.1荷载计算以及内力分析 66
§11 采用PKPM软件计算结果 68
附录一:结束语 75
附录二:主要参考资料 76