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摘    要

This thesis tell the design processes of a residential building in the national garden of someplace。It is six -layer reinforced concrete frame. It has six stories, the height of the first storey is 4.05 meters, and the height of other stories are all 2.8 meters. The height of the whole building is 18.4 meters.
The teaching building belong to public buildings of civil building, in design of calculating consulting more relevant book lists, and finished according to the design specification of the building strictly. This design is divided into two major parts mainly:
 The first part is the architectural design。The architectural design is on the premise of master plan, according to the request of task book, considering the base environment synthetically, the function of use, the structure constructs, material equipment, architectural design and artistic question of the building , solve the function of use of the building and arrangement in the space. Whether according to concept design of building, principle policy of building,the design should finish the following aspects. The overall arrangement of the building , the elementary cell is designed, the public part is designed, the space is made up and designed, the roofing is designed, the elevation design of the building and building fire prevention and design etc..
 The second part is structural design. Structural design is consisted by calculation of wind load ,design of frame, stair design, board design with the foundation designing etc. making up. Should build provide fortification against earthquakes earthquake intensity 7 , antidetonation grade for being tertiary , consider horizontal earthquake function impact on horizontal frame and apply the method of for force calculate ,Vertical to load function, horizontal frame internal force calculate and adopt the method of to assign France, and internal force make up vertical to is it make up and not vertical to load with earthquake strength setting a  roof  beam  in  place  to  frame
 Keywords: reinforced concrete, frame, the design of the structure

本建筑为某拟建住宅楼。采用钢筋混凝土全现浇框架结构,建筑面积3000 m2,占地面积 467.28 m2 。 共六层楼,底层层高2.2m,其余各层层高均为2.8m。本建筑总长为47.2m,总宽为9.9m,建筑总高为18.4m。
1.1.2 气象条件摘要
基本风压: W0=0.55KN/m2
基本雪压: S0=0KN/m2
1.1.3 活荷载
楼面活荷载为:   2.0KN/m2
楼梯活荷载为:   2.0 KN/m2
1.1.4 该地区基本烈度为7度(近震)


第1章     设计条件    1
1.1建筑设计资料    1
1.1.1工程地质报告摘要    1
1.1.2 气象条件摘要    1
1.1.3 活荷载    1
1.1.4 该地区基本烈度为7度(近震)    1
第2章     结构选型及布置    2
2.1结构布置及计算简图的确定    2
2.2承重方案选择    2
2.3梁、柱截面尺寸初估    2
2.4结构计算简图    4
第3章 荷载计算    5
3.1恒荷载计算    5
3.1.1屋面及楼面恒荷载计算    5
3.1.2.屋面及楼面活荷载计算    6
3.1.3.梁,柱,墙,门窗重力荷载的计算    6
3.1.4.荷载等效转化    9
3.1.5 屋面框架节点集中荷载标准值    10
3.2屋面及楼面活荷载计算    11
第4章  横向框架侧移刚度计算    12
4.1计算梁、柱的线刚度    12
4.1.1梁的线刚度计算    12
4.1.2 柱的线刚度计算    13
4.2 柱的侧移刚度D值的计算    13
4.2.1框架侧移刚度D值的计算    13
4.2.2不同层刚度D值的计算    14
第5章 横向水平荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算    14
5.1 横向风荷载作用下框架结构内力和侧移计算    14
5.1.1 风荷载作用计算    14
5.1.2风荷载作用下框架结构内力计算    15
5.2 横向地震力荷载作用下框架结构内力和侧移计算    18
5.2.1 基本情况    18
5.2.2 地震力荷载标准值    19
5.2.3 横向自振周期计算    20
5.2.4 横向水平地震作用计算    21
5.2.5 地震力荷载作用下的水平位移验算    23
5.2.6水平地震作用下框架内力计算    23
第6章  竖向荷载作用下横向框架结构的内力计算    28
6.1 恒荷载作用下的内力计算    28
6.1.1 线刚度计算    28
6.1.2 恒荷载转化    28
6.1.3 分层法计算恒荷载作用下梁端弯矩    29
6.1.4 恒载作用下的剪力计算    38
6.2 活荷载作用下的内力计算    40
6.2.1 活荷载转化    40
6.2.2 分层法计算活荷载作用下梁端弯矩    40
6.2.3 活载作用下的剪力计算    45
第7章  梁、柱的内力组合    46
7.1梁的内力组合    46
7.1横梁内力组合    47
7.2框架柱内力组合    50
第8章  梁、柱的截面设计    57
8.1框架梁的配筋计算   (仅以一层梁为例说明计算过程):    57
8.1.1正截面受弯承载力计算    57
8.1.2斜截面受弯承载力计算    61
8.2 柱截面设计    62
8.2.1已知条件    62
8.2.2构造要求    63
8.2.3剪跨比和轴压比验算    63
8.2.4柱正截面承载力计算    65
8.2.5柱斜截面承载力计算    74
8.3节点设计    77
8.4楼板设计    77
8.4.1 A区格板的计算    77
第9章    基础设计    81
9.1基础截面计算    81
9.2地基承载力及基础冲切验算    81
9.2.1地基承载力验算    81
9.2.2地基抗冲切验算    82
9.3基础底板配筋计算    83
第10章    结束语    85
参考文献    86
致    谢    88