摘 要
In the manufacturing industry, the mold is an important manufacturing equipment, this design choice for the stamping die design topic, the design mainly on the stamping parts of the production process, analysis of the workpiece size and shape, know that the workpiece for thin-walled metal parts, wall thickness uniformity, size general, very suitable for stamping molding, design needs to be based on the knowledge of the cap analysis and then stamping die design, first through the workpiece size and structure to determine its processing procedures, stamping mainly punching, blanking, drawing and other processes. This design only has a few main processes, according to the process classification comparison, determine the basic structure of the mold, mold main single process, progressive die and composite die, the design of the work-piece process is relatively simple, after the final comparison of the design of the composite die structure, we need to follow this plan for the detailed design of the mold. Through the structure of the cover, determined as a composite die structure, learned that the basic composition of the composite die molding parts, including punch, die, Punch and die, etc. , there are waste layout, molding parts used for the combination of step fixation and screw fixation form. The elastic unloading device used in the die and the mechanism with the push plate connected with the strike rod and spring are designed to unload the workpiece and the strip, cAD software was used to draw the overall structure of the mold, and draw the mold engineering drawings, and finally summarized the design work, through the motion simulation analysis of the mold closing process
Keywords: Cover; stamping die; drawing; compound die; simulation
工件的主要参数:材料08钢 厚度2.5mm
目 录
摘 要 2
1.1冲压模具的发展现状和趋势 6
1.2选题的意义和设计思路 7
2 冲压的工艺方案设计 8
2.1 冲压件的工艺性分析 8
2.2 冲压工艺方案的确定和分析 9
2.3 计算毛坯尺寸 10
2.4 排样方案的确定 10
2.5 搭边的选取 11
2.6送料步距、条料宽度及板料间距计算 12
2.6.1 送料步距 12
2.6.2条料宽度及板料间距的计算 12
2.6.3 计算材料的利用率 12
3 冲压工艺的计算 14
3.1 计算凸、凹模刃口尺寸和公差 14
3.2 计算工艺力、初选压力机 15
3.2.1 工艺力的计算 15
3.2.2 初选压力机 17
3.3 压力中心的计算 17
4 模具的结构设计 18
4.1 成型部件的设计 18
4.1.1 凹模设计 18
4.1.2 凸模 19
4.1.3 凸凹模 20
4.2卸料与压边方法设计 21
4.3定位位零件的设计 22
4.4 固定板设计 23
4.5导柱、导套的选用 24
4.6模架及标准件的设计选择 24
5 压力机校核和装配图绘制 25
5.1校核冲裁力 25
5.2校核开模行程 25
5.3压力机安装尺寸校核 25
5.4模具装配体设计 26
5.5模具工作过程 27
6 模具运动仿真分析 28
总 结 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 32