The truck cab cover is the main part of the truck body,most of the covering parts and structural parts of the truck are sheet metal parts,Its stamping process level and product quality take a pivotal position in the truck manufacturing. Compared with the car, the importance of the truck cab cover stamping analysis of the optimization is lower, the development process and the degree of importance is not as good as car, So it is more necessary to research.
First, this paper summarizes the domestic and foreign development process and research status of the stamping process of the cover, the manufacturing difficulties in the forming process and the main research content in this paper.
Second, the main features, functions and process development of the software AutoForm used in the design are introduced. Then, using the AutoForm software to simulate the forming process and The finite element modeling of a cab ceiling, solve all kinds of problems in the process. The relationship between various process parameters and forming quality is studied by process simulation results. MeanwhileIcomplete the optimization of the quality of the parts, determine the process parameters. Finally, the springback of the material is studied to complete the short, multi-process, high precision optimization design.
Key Words:Panel; Stamping; Simulation; Finite element; Springback

第1章绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 汽车覆盖件冲压的国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 国外研究现状 1
1.2.2 国内研究现状 2
1.3 本文的主要内容研究 3
第2章卡车顶棚覆盖件的成形工艺与有限元建模 4
2.1 AutoForm软件简介 4
2.1.1 AutoForm的主要特点与功用 5
2.1.2 AutoForm软件的工艺开发流程 5
2.2 卡车顶棚覆盖件的工艺分析 6
2.2.1 产品基本参数 6
2.2.2 生产工序确定 8
2.3卡车顶棚覆盖件的有限元建模 8
2.3.1 软件导入与表面处理 8
2.3.2 拉延工序设置与模拟结果 10
2.3.3 切边冲孔工序设置与模拟结果 13
2.3.4 翻边工序设置与模拟结果 13
2.4 本章小结 14
第3章卡车顶棚覆盖件的成形工艺优化 15
3.1 前言 15
3.2 板料初始形状的选择 15
3.3 成形工艺参数的选择 16
3.3.1 压边力的选择 16
3.3.2 摩擦系数的选择 17
3.3.3 拉延筋的选择 18
3.3.4 其他参数对成形结果的影响及选择 21
3.4 优化结果 21
3.5 本章小结 22
第4章卡车顶棚覆盖件的回弹模拟分析与优化 23
4.1 回弹模拟结果分析 23
4.2 关键工序回弹工艺优化 25
4.3 本章小结 26
第5章总结 27
5.1 工作总结 27
5.2 后续展望 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30