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摘  要

 Construction elevator is very commonly used in construction machinery in the construction machinery. It is based on transporting personnel and materials as the main function, also because of its unique envelope structure is safe and comfortable ride personnel, and is widely used. The cage structure is the most important construction lifts institutions. Which contains complex electromechanical integration agency, and have more stringent safety requirements. As construction in different environments, construction lifts classification also is vary. Early domestic design and manufacturing, due to design and safety considerations are not in place, resulting in the construction lifts have many security risks. In recent years, with the international exchanges and cooperation, the domestic production of construction lifts is more and more mature. But the construction industry continues to develop, so its functional requirements are also increasing, and the need to design and manufacturing technology continued to improve. This construction of the prevention and control of the lift cage falling accidents, reduce personnel property damage is significant, while the production, manufacture and maintenance cost savings also promoted.
Keyword:Construction elevator、building construction、cage、construction machinery


目  录
第一章   绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  施工升降机概述和发展趋势    1
1.2.1施工升降机概述    1
1.2.2施工升降机发展趋势    1
1.3施工升降机吊笼事故案例分析    2
1.3.1事故经过    2
1.3.2调查结果    2
1.3.3事故原因分析    3
1.3.4鉴定结论    4
1.3.5事故教训    4
第二章  施工升降机结构介绍及设计要求    5
2.1施工升降机结构介绍    5
2.1.1施工升降机分类    5
2.1.2施工升降机结构    5
2.2 设计总则    6
2.2.1国内外标准比较    6
2.2.2载荷和力    7
2.2.4载荷情况    13
2.2.5稳定性    14
2.2.6传动系统和制动系统零部件的疲劳应力分析    14
2.3吊笼设计要求    15
2.3.1总则    15
2.3.2吊笼防坠安全装置    17
2.3.3超载检测装置    19
2.4传动系统    19
2.4.1总则    19
2.4.2防护装置和可接近性    19
2.4.3制动系统    20
2.4.4对重    21
2.5控制和限位装置    21
2.5.1总则    21
2.5.2行程限位开关    21
2.5.3防松绳装置    21
2.5.4安装用附件    22
2.5.5停机装置    22
2.5.6停机    22
2.5.7控制方式    23
第三章   吊笼机构的方案设计    24
主要技术参数:    24
3.1 工况确定    24
3.1.1 可能存在的工况    24
3.1.2 确定计算工况    25
3.1.3 计算典型工况下结构承受的弯矩    26
3.2吊笼滚轮在导轨架上的摩擦力    26
3.3 吊笼笼架强度校核    27
3.3.1 假设    27
3.3.2 吊笼载荷    27
3.3.3 吊笼承载梁几何及力学特性    28
3.3.4 吊笼强度计算    31
3.3.5 导向轮校核    34
3.4关键连接焊缝强度校核    38
3.4.1 吊笼连驱动耳板处焊缝校核    38
3.4.2 驱动架连接耳板处焊缝校核    39
3.4.3 笼顶吊耳的校核    39
3.5地基承载力验算    40
3.6基础承台验算    40
3.6.1 承台底面积验算    40
3.6.2 承台抗冲切验算    40
3.7 驱动部分校核    42
3.7.1 电动机    42
3.7.2 制动器    43
第四章  总结与展望    44
参考文献    45
致  谢    47