关键词:施工升降机 安全防坠器 建筑施工 安全 分析 设计
The Design Of Construction Elevator SafetyAnti-dropping Device
Construction Elevator Safety anti-dropping device was developed along with the construction of the lift generated by safety devices. When construction elevator encounter unexpected accidents which can prevent cage falling accidents and ensure the safety of persons and goods. In modern building construction, security anti-dropping device widely used by the industry's attention, plays a very important role. The design for the construction elevator safety anti-dropping device, This article analyzes the construction elevator safety anti-dropping device development status at home and abroad, domestic and lift incidents, anti-dropping device about the structure and principle of operation, rig test methods, and on the main components of anti-dropping device made design calculations. Design of the entire device, including braking torque, cones, friction plate, friction plate, disc springs, gear shaft safety device centrifugal trigger mechanism.
Keywords: Construction Elevator Safety Anti-dropping Device Construction Safety Analysis Design

目 录
第1章 绪论 - 1 -
1.1研究背景 - 1 -
1.2研究的目的和意义 - 1 -
1.3国内外研究现状 - 2 -
第2章 事故描述和分析 - 10 -
2.1事故案例描述及简要分析 - 10 -
2.2总结分析 - 13 -
第3章 施工升降机齿轮鼓锥形防坠安全器标准 - 17 -
3.1范围 - 18 -
3.2引用标准 - 18 -
3.3定义 - 18 -
3.4分类 - 19 -
3.5 要求 - 20 -
3.6试验方法 - 23 -
3.7检验规则 - 27 -
3.8标志、包装、运输和贮存 - 29 -
第4章 防坠安全器的设计 - 30 -
4.1齿轮锥鼓形渐进式防坠安全器 - 30 -
4.2 防坠安全器的设计 - 33 -
第5章 施工升降机防坠安全器试验 - 51 -
5.1全器试验现状 - 51 -
5.2 试验架检测法的检测原理 - 53 -
5.3 比较两种试验结果 - 54 -
5.4检测与理论计算结果比较 - 56 -
5.5结论与建议 - 57 -
第6章 总结展望 - 58 -
6.1总结 - 58 -
6.2展望 - 58 -
附录 - 59 -
参考文献 - 61 -
致谢 - 62 -