摘 要
This topic is fast-erecting tower crane design - kinematic analysis. Fast-erecting tower crane is a rotary tower crane used in construction which can quickly set up their own and overall consignment.And now it has developed as a separate breed series .Fast-erecting tower crane has been widely used in construction of buildings and bridges in developed countries.It has set up a flexible, reasonable structure, strong bearing capacity, convenient transportation, use of safety features.The device is expected to be widely used in the china,and there is an urgent need to carry out related research of key technologies.the research of this article will started from its structure and prospects.Then I will begin the Kinematic analysis.At last the design part will refer TC6010 tower crane
Key words:fast-erecting tower crane ;lower rotary;prospect;kinematic analysis

目 录
第一章 绪论 - 1 -
1.1快装塔机的简述 - 1 -
1.2 快装塔机的基本构造型式及架设系统 - 1 -
1.3 选题背景及其研究意义 - 3 -
1.4几种典型的利勃海尔快装塔机 - 4 -
1.5快装塔机的发展简史及其应用 - 10 -
第二章 塔机的折臂机构及其初步分析 - 12 -
2.1 概述 - 12 -
2.2 结构简介 - 12 -
2.3 工作原理 - 13 -
2.4设计要求 - 13 -
2.5 塔机架设过程中的空间位置 - 14 -
2.6折臂机构的分析 - 18 -
第三章 总体设计 - 21 -
3.1主要技术性能参数 - 21 -
3.2计算原则 - 23 -
3.3平衡重的计算 - 25 -
3.4塔身的风力计算 - 27 -
3.5整机倾翻稳定性计算 - 32 -
第四章 塔身结构设计 - 34 -
4.1塔身的结构计算 - 34 -
4.2 强度计算 - 35 -
4.3塔身稳定性计算 - 36 -
4.4 塔身接头计算 - 40 -
第五章 起重臂计算 - 42 -
5.1计算工况及计算公式说明 - 42 -
5.2主要参数 - 44 -
5.3几何特性 - 44 -
5.4内力及校核 - 45 -
5.5起重臂整体稳定校核 - 47 -
5.6起重臂拉杆 - 49 -
第六章 其它机构的确定 - 50 -
6.1起升机构的选择 - 50 -
6.2变幅机构选择 - 51 -
6.3回转机构的选择 - 52 -
第七章 展望与总结 - 54 -
参考文献 - 55 -
致 谢 - 57 -