关键词 快装式塔式起重机 吊臂 受力 塔身 稳定性
This design titled fast loading cranes force and stability analysis of the tower as a down turn, can quickly set up their own and the whole consignment of tower cranes used in construction. It is the next turn, the whole consignment on the basis set to become an independent variety series, it self-elevating tower crane has become a modern tower cranes used in construction of the two species, generally applies to eight to ten story below life with building construction. This article first fast-loading cranes made elaborate development and current situation, and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of self-erecting cranes; Some agencies use; then apply their expertise for fast loading crane jib for the force analysis; design for the tower: the tower section to determine the form of the tower section properties for analysis, force analysis, stability analysis, the tower crane meet the stability requirements. The main reference design tower crane tower qtz40 calculation and design method of preparation of this design.
Keywords Fast-erecting tower crane Boom Tower Stability

目 录
摘 要 1
1前 言 3
1.1 快装式塔式起重机概述 3
1.2 快装式塔式起重机 3
1.2.1优点 4
1.2.2缺点 4
1.3 选题背景及研究意义 5
2整机总体方案 7
2.1 方案参数 8
2.2 起重机的工作级别 8
2.3 机构的工作级别 8
2.4 起升机构的选择 8
2.5 变幅机构选择 10
2.6 回转机构选择 11
3吊臂的分析 13
3.1 吊臂的计算与分析 13
3.2截面高度和宽度 13
3.3 吊臂掉点的确定 14
3.4 吊臂受力计算 14
3.4.1起重机臂架采用的载荷组合 14
3.4.2初估吊臂自重和小车移动机构的重量 14
3.4.3吊臂所受的风载荷 16
3.4.5自重载荷一起的内力计算 18
4塔身的分析 32
4.1塔身的受力分析 32
4.1.1塔身的基本计算数据 32
4.1.2 塔身内力计算 34
4.2桁架塔身整体稳定性 34
4.2.1塔身截面 34
4.2.2塔身的长细比 35
4.2.3塔身强度与整体稳定性 36
4.2.4塔身位移计算 37
5工作状态稳定性 38
5.1基本稳定性 38
5.2动态稳定性 38
5.2.1带载稳定回转 38
5.2.2 突然卸载稳定性 39
5.3非工作状态稳定性 39
5.4塔式起重机架设稳定性 40
5.4.1下回转式塔式起重机架设稳定性 40
总 结 42
致 谢 43
参考文献 44