Disc brakes have been widely used in various vehicles, especially passenger cars, due to their good braking performance and stability of performance. However, in commercial vehicles, such as some heavy trucks, due to the complex driving environment, the braking torque required for braking is even greater. The hydraulic disc brakes that are commonly used in passenger vehicles cannot meet the braking torque requirements. The pneumatic disc brakes overcome this drawback and have a greater braking torque and can be applied to heavy commercial vehicles. In addition, the air disc brake also retains all the advantages of disc brakes, and it is likely to replace the drum brakes currently used on commercial vehicles in the future. Therefore, this paper mainly designs disc brakes for 8-ton heavy-duty trucks, and calculates and checks the structural parameters such as brake disc diameter and thickness, friction pad inner and outer radii, and working area, etc., to meet the braking requirements of heavy trucks. Then use Catia to draw a three-dimensional model to confirm the rationality of its structure. Finally, use Autocad to generate two-dimensional drawings of some parts.
Key words:brake system;disc brake;design
想要设计制动器,有一些必须知道的整车参数,这些参数可以查阅相关资料得到,比如说:汽车轴距L;汽车满载时总质量m;满载时的轴荷分配,包括前轴负荷 ,后轴负荷 ,质心高度 ;质心距前轴距离 ,质心距后轴距离 ;车轮滚动半径 等。本次设计要选取的主要参数在表3.1中给出,制动系统其它所需的参数则会在下文通过计算得到。
表 3.1 汽车整车参数
参数 数值
车名 江淮格尔发K5W
满载总重量m 25吨
轮胎规格/数量 295/80R22.5 16PR /8个
轮辋名义直径 572mm
轴距 1900mm/5400mm

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 汽车制动系统简介 2
1.2 汽车制动系统工作原理 3
1.3 汽车制动系统分类 4
1.3.1 按照制动系统功能分类 4
1.3.2 按照制动能源分类 4
1.3.3 按照制动能量的传输方式分类 5
第2章 盘式制动器类型及其选择 6
2.1 盘式制动器优缺点 6
2.2 盘式制动器的分类 6
2.2.1 按驱动形式分类 6
2.2.2 按卡钳类型分类 7
2.3 最终选择的制动器类型 8
第3章 制动系主要参数的计算 9
3.1 确定同步附着系数 9
3.2确定制动力及制动力分配系数 9
3.3 确定前轮制动器最大制动力矩 11
第4章 盘式制动器参数计算及校核 12
4.1 制动盘直径D 12
4.2 制动盘厚度h 12
4.3 通风孔道设计 12
4.4 摩擦衬块的内外半径及摩擦材料厚度 13
4.5 摩擦衬块的工作面积A 13
4.6 摩擦衬块磨损特性计算 14
4.7 盘式制动器有效半径计算 15
4.8制动气室推力计算 15
第5章 盘式制动器主要零部件结构分析 17
5.1 制动盘 17
5.2 制动钳 17
5.3 摩擦衬块 17
5.4摩擦材料 18
5.5 制动器间隙调整方法及原理 18
5.6 制动气室 20
第6章 结论 21
参考文献 22
致谢 23