摘 要
关键词:自动变速器; 液力变矩器; 行星齿轮机构
With the popularity of the development of automobile industry and automobile, there has been more and more non professional drivers, the people of vehicle handling and ride comfort of the requirements of increasingly high, automatic transmission will emerge as the times require. Equipped with the automatic transmission of the car while driving, automatic transmission can according to changes in the engine load and the road resistance, in a certain range to achieve automatic transmission, compared with manual transmission more simple, more effort, more secure.
Automatic transmission is mainly hydraulic automatic transmission (AT), electronically controlled mechanical automatic transmission (AMT), dual clutch automatic transmission (DCT), mechanical stepless automatic transmission (CVT) and so on. This paper is the design of hydraulic automatic transmission (AT). Automatic transmission (AT) the hydraulic torque converter, planetary gear transmission (or fixed axis gear transmission), composed of three parts of the hydraulic control system. The torque converter is the core part of the automatic transmission, the ordinary hydraulic torque converter consists of a rotary pump and turbine wheel and the fixed pulley of the three a basic element, its role is to use change kinetic energy of liquid circulation in the process of transferring power. Planetary gear transmission by the planetary gear mechanism and shift control mechanism is composed of two parts. The planetary gear mechanism is to change the transmission ratio and the rotational direction, is composed of different blocking The shifting operation mechanism is the transformation of the gear shift. The hydraulic control system is composed of three parts, the power source, the actuator and the control mechanism, which is used to realize the automatic control of the automatic transmission.
Key words: automatic transmission; torque converter; planetary gear mechanism
(1)最大扭矩/转速:190Nm/ 4300r/min;

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1国内外研究现状 1
1.2研究的内容和方法 2
第二章 液力变矩器的设计 3
2.1液力变矩器循环圆设计 3
2.1.1循环圆形状的选择 3
2.1.2环圆尺寸的确定 3
2.1.4确定循环圆形状尺寸 4
2.2叶片设计 7
2.2.1叶片参数设计 8
2.2.2确定叶片参数 8
2.3单向离合器的设计 8
2.3.1结构参数的选择 8
2.3.2外圈拉应力验算 9
第三章 行星齿轮机构 11
3.1单排行星齿轮机构 11
3.2拉维奈尔赫行星齿轮机构 12
3.2.1拉维奈尔赫式行星齿轮机构的连接关系 12
3.3自动变速箱的行星齿轮机构 13
3.3.1行星齿轮机构的动力流分析 13
3.4各档传动比表达式推导 14
3.5行星齿轮机构结构尺寸设计 15
3.5.1齿轮的设计要求 15
3.5.2齿轮的种类和材料选择 15
3.5.3前排行星齿轮机构结构尺寸设计 15
3.5.4拉维奈尔赫行星齿轮机构结构尺寸设计 18
3.6行星齿轮机构的换挡执行元件 22
3.6.1离合器 22
3.6.2制动器 23
3.6.3单向离合器 23
第四章 全文总结 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26