Combining the research background and status quo of the multi-axis heavy-duty mining vehicle’s steering mechanism both at home and abroad, this paper proposes the design purpose, content and basic route of the project.According to the structural characteristics of the multi-axle heavy-duty vehicle and the design requirements of the steering mechanism for the mining vehicle,the overall design plan and parameters are selected and determined. Then, it focuses on the comparison and analysis of the types of steering mechanisms and different steering modes. Under the premise of taking into account the usability, economy, and feasibility, the appropriate structural forms and steering modes are selected.
According to the Akerman rotation angle theory and the design requirements of the cars’steering mechanism, the formulas for the theoretical rotation angles of steering wheels are deduced. The basic parametric model of the steering system is created by using the dynamics analysis software Adams of the mechanical system, and the original parameters are set.Thenit verifies its feasibility and correctnessthrough the simulation of the model.
The model of the steering mechanism is optimized based on the Akerman ideal angle formula, which makes the actual rotation angle of different axles’steering wheel reach the ideal function relationship as much as possible. After the optimization, the rotation angle error is controlled below 5°, satisfying the design requirements of steering system.
Finally, according to the design requirements of the steering mechanism and the simulation results of Adams, the components and assembly of the steering mechanism are designed. At the same time, the force analysis and strength check are performed on the steering longitudinal linkage and the lateral coordination rod.The specific components are determined and the model is builtat last.
Keywords: Multi-axle mining vehicle, Steering mechanism, Adams, Optimized design, Traveling mechanism
外形尺寸 长 16800
宽 8800
高 7500
轴距(mm) 3500
轮距(L)(mm) 5800
前/后悬(mm) 1400
车轮最大转角(°) 45
载重量(t) 300
整车整备质量(t) 176
后轴载荷比(空载) 50%
最小离地间隙(mm) 780
轮胎类型 27.00R49
驱动布置形式 10×10
满载最高车速(km/h) 30

第1章绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究概述 2
1.2.1矿用车的发展概述 2
1.2.2多轴转向国内外研究概述 3
1.2研究目的及意义 4
1.3研究目标和技术方案 4
1.3.1研究目标 4
1.3.2技术方案 5
第2章面向转向机构的矿用车总体设计方案 6
2.1整车整备质量的估算 6
2.2载荷的分配和轮胎的选择 6
2.2.1矿用车轴数的选择 6
2.2.2轮胎型号的选择 7
2.2驱动形式和悬架类型 8
2.3矿用车总体参数的确定 9
2.3.1轴距的确定 9
2.3.2其他尺寸参数的确定 9
2.4本章小结 10
第3章转向机构的选型和分析计算 11
3.1转向结构形式的选择 11
3.1.1单轮驱动的转向系统 11
3.1.2拉杆式转向系统 12
3.2转向模式的选择和分析 12
3.3八字转向理想转向角公式 13
3.4本章小节 14
第4章转向机构的仿真和优化 15
4.1仿真模型的建立 15
4.1.1模型部件的选取 15
4.1.2转向机构的参数化建模 15
4.1.3仿真前的的设置 16
4.2模型的验证与仿真 17
4.3模型的优化 17
4.3.1转角误差的分析 18
4.3.2转向机构的优化过程 19
4.4优化结果分析 20
4.5本章小结 22
第5章矿用车转向机构的零件设计及布置 23
5.1液压缸驱动位置的确定 23
5.2.转向杆件的受力和校核 24
5.2.1横向协调杆的受力分析和校核 25
5.2.1纵向拉杆的受力分析和校核 26
5.3回转轴承的受力和选型 27
5.4行走机构及其零部件的设计 28
5.4.1行走机构的结构形式和装配关系 29
5.4.2行走机构零部件的设计 30
5.5本章小结 32
第6章总结与展望 33
6.1全文总结 33
6.2研究展望 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35