Since the 21st century, the global economy has developed rapidly, and the consumer market for automobiles has been greatly stimulated. As a result, the number of car ownership continues to increase worldwide, energy consumption is increasing, and environmental issues are increasingly making people worry. In response to this situation, governments on the one hand formulate regulations and standards to limit energy consumption; on the other hand, they invest human and material resources to encourage the development of new energy technologies.
Among them, pure electric vehicles are an important technical route for the development of new energy technologies. They use motors as driving devices and batteries as energy storage units. They have many advantages such as high energy efficiency, almost zero emission pollution, and low noise pollution. This topic focuses on the selection and parameter design of pure electric vehicles. The light electric logistics vehicle designed in this paper is a pure electric vehicle that operates under the urban conditions and serves the logistics of goods distribution in the logistics industry, mainly from the characteristics of urban conditions, logistics Features and other aspects start with the requirements of its power system design, and then perform parameter matching.
The power system design of the light electric logistics vehicle carried out in this paper has certain reference value for the design of the power system of other electric vehicles.
Key words: pure electric vehicle, power system, urban logistics, parameter matching
动力性能 要求
最高车速(km/h) 120
0-60km/h加速时间(s) 9
30km/h最大爬坡度(%) 25
城市工况续驶里程(km) 80
30km/h等速续驶里程(半载)(km) 100

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 国内外新能源汽车发展现状 1
1.2.1 国内新能源汽车的发展 1
1.2.2 国外新能源汽车的发展 2
1.3 国内电动物流车推广现状 2
1.4 本文主要研究内容 3
第2章 纯电动汽车动力系统组成及性能 4
2.1 纯电动汽车动力系统的结构分类 4
2.2 纯电动汽车动力系统组成 5
2.2.1驱动电机 5
2.2.2动力电池 6
2.3 纯电动汽车的动力性 7
2.3.1 受力分析 7
2.3.2 最高车速分析 8
2.3.3 最大爬坡度分析 9
2.3.4 加速时间分析 10
2.4 纯电动汽车的经济性 10
2.4.1续驶里程 10
2.4.2单位里程能量消耗 12
2.5 本章小结 13
第3章 动力系统参数设计 14
3.1 轻型电动物流车行驶要求 14
3.1.1 城市工况 14
3.1.2物流特点 14
3.2 轻型电动物流车动力系统性能要求 15
3.3 动力系统参数匹配 15
3.3.1 电机参数匹配 15
3.3.2 能源系统参数匹配 16
3.3.3 传动系统设计 17
3.4 本章小结 21
第4章 总结与展望 22
4.1 总结 22
4.2 展望 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 24