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关键词:电动助力转向系统 建模 仿真

Recently,with more and more widely use of integrated circuits,electronic technology is gradually penetrated into the auto industry. As a hot research which relies on electronic control technology ,  electric power steering system (EPS) has been concerned by the major universities and auto companies. In this paper, we take the steering shaft electric power steering system of the E7Plus—a seven seats electric bus steering for the study, conducted in-depth analysis of the theory, and then to the car's electric power steering system modeling and simulation.
The main contents are as following: Firstly, the working principle and characteristics of EPS was introduced; Secondly, the mathematical model was built according to the parameters of E7Plus. Finally, the simulation analysis was carried out on EPS system by EPS system simulation model via Simulink software package.
The matching design and the calibration of basic control parameters for EPS system was completed basically in this paper, which lays the foundation for the development of controller, the bench test and real vehicle test in the future.
Key Words:Electric Power Steering System   Modeling   Simulation


摘  要    I
Abstract(英文摘要)    II
目  录    III
第一章 绪论    1
1.1  课题研究背景    1
1.2  目的和意义    1
1.3  国内外研究现状    2
1.4  课题研究内容    2
1.5  预期目标    2
第二章 电动助力转向系统的总体构成    3
2.1  电动助力转向系统的概述    3
2.2  电动助力转向系统的分类    3
第三章 电动助力转向系统的组成部件    5
3.1  电动机    5
    3.1.1  电动机的功能    5
3.1.2  电动助力转向系统对电动机的要求    5
3.1.3  电动机的参数计算与选型    5
3.1.4  助力电机布置位置    7
3.1.5  减速器减速比的确定    7
3.2  电磁离合器    7
3.3  扭矩传感器    7
3.3.1  扭矩传感器的功能    7
3.3.2  扭矩传感器的分类    7
3.4  减速机构    8
3.4.1  减速机构的功用    8
3.4.2  减速机构的选取    8
3.5  电子控制单元(ECU)    8
3.5.1  ECU的功用    8
3.5.2  ECU的结构    8
3.5.3  ECU的选型    9
3.6  转向器    9
3.6.1  转向器的设计    9
3.6.2  转向器的设计需求    9
    3.6.3齿轮齿条转向器四种布置形式    10
3.7  齿轮齿条的设计计算    11
3.7.1  汽车参数选择    12
3.7.2  转向器角传动比的计算    12
3.7.3  转向器计算载荷的确定    13
3.7.4  转向轴和齿条的计算    13
3.7.5  转向器传动受力分析    17
3.7.6  齿轮轴强度校核    17
3.8  齿轮齿条转向器的其他主要元件    20
第四章 EPS助力特性和控制策略的初步研究    22
4.1  助力特性的分析    22
4.2  电动助力转向系统建模方法    22
4.2.1  机械转向系模型和电动机模型的建立    22
4.2.2  驾驶员模型的建立    24
4.2.3  控制器模型的建立    25
结论    26
参考文献    27
致谢    28