This article designs the telescopic arm forklift, referring to foreign similar products and considering the market demand. Taking into account the telescopic forklift truck must achieve a larger range of amplitude and lift height, and must have a strong ability to work and security in a variety of complex environments. And striving to achieve the performance of foreign products.On this basis, the overall design of the telescopic forklift and the design of the working device are studied.
The main contents of this paper are as follows:
(1) Introduce the main purpose of the telescopic arm forklift truck and the development status of the telescopic arm forklift truck at home and abroad.
(2) Complete overall designofthe telescopic forklift truck, and select main partofthe telescopic forklift truck. Check the performance of telescopic arm forklift, including traction performance, maneuverability, braking performance and stability.
(3) Design the boom structure of the telescopic arm forklift, including Leveling mechanism, hydraulic cylinder, support device, etc. Check the arm frame strength, stiffness and stability. And do finite element analysis of telescopic armswith ANSYS.
(4) Complete three-dimensional modeling of the telescopic arm forklift with SolidWorks, observe the rationality of the whole design.
The results of this study show that the design of the telescopic forklift has a good ability to work, amplitude angle, lift height and working range of the telescopic arm meet the design requirements, and has a strong security, the overall performance indicators have a certain degree of advanced.The results of the study indicate that the target has been met.
Key words: telescopic arm forklift; boom structure; leveling mechanism; finite element analysis
额定起重量(kg) 2000
载荷中心距(mm) 500
最大起升高度(mm) 3000
最大起升速度(m/s)(满载/空载) 0.4/0.6
最大运行速度(km/h)(满载/空载) 16/16
最大爬坡度(%)(满载/空载) 5/7
最小离地间隙(mm) 90
轴距(mm) 1378
节臂数目 2
工作条件 硬路面

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外伸缩臂叉车的发展现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3 课题研究内容 4
第2章伸缩臂电动叉车总体设计计算 6
2.1 设计参数 6
2.2 确定伸缩臂电动叉车各部分构成 6
2.2.1 牵引传动系统 6
2.2.2 制动系统 7
2.2.3 转向系统 8
2.2.4 行走支承系统 8
2.2.5 工作装置 9
2.3 整车自重和重心位置估算及轴压计算 10
2.3.1 计算整车自重及重心位置 10
2.3.2 轴压计算 10
2.3.3 选择轮胎 11
2.4 牵引力性能计算 11
2.4.1 行驶功率计算 11
2.4.2 电机选择 11
2.4.3 减速器总传动比的确定 12
2.4.4 爬坡能力验算 12
2.5 稳定性计算 13
2.5.1 满载堆垛时纵向稳定性 14
2.5.2 满载运行时纵向稳定性 15
2.5.3 满载堆垛时横向稳定性 15
2.5.4 空载运行时横向稳定性 16
2.6 机动性参数确定 17
2.6.1 最小转弯半径 17
2.6.2 直角通道理论宽度 18
2.6.3 堆垛通道最小宽度 18
2.7 制动性能计算 19
2.8 本章小结 20
第3章伸缩臂叉车工作装置设计 21
3.1 臂架系统设计 21
3.1.1 伸缩臂结构介绍 21
3.1.2 臂架系统动作机构 22
3.2 伸缩臂叉车平动机构设计 23
3.2.1 平动油缸设计 24
3.2.2 辅助油缸设计 26
3.2.3 货叉的设计 27
3.3 变幅机构设计 28
3.3.1 变幅机构的设计要求 28
3.3.2 变幅油缸设计 28
3.4 伸缩臂结构的计算 29
3.4.1 伸缩臂强度计算 29
3.4.2 伸缩臂刚度计算 34
3.4.3 伸缩臂危险截面验算 35
3.5 本章小结 36
第4章伸缩臂的有限元分析及仿真 37
4.1 有限元分析 37
4.1.1 建立三维模型 37
4.1.2 划分网格 37
4.1.3 施加载荷和约束 38
4.1.4 分析结果 38
4.2 伸缩臂叉车三维建模与仿真 39
4.3 本章小结 42
第5章总结与展望 43
5.1 全文总结 43
5.2 经济性分析 43
5.3 环境影响分析 44
5.4 展望 44
参考文献 45
致谢 46