In recent years, the rapid development of the logistics industry has promoted the rapid development of the national economy. With the rapid development of the logistics industry, some issues have gradually become prominent. For example, logistics costs remain high, and the logistics transportation process is accompanied by a large amount of environmental pollution and energy consumption. These problems have become the primary factors that restrict the development of the express delivery industry. Therefore, how to achieve energy conservation and environmental protection while reducing transportation costs has become the pursuit goal of major logistics companies.
With the development of pure electric vehicle technology, more and more pure electric vehicles are gradually being put into various industrial fields. Compared with traditional internal-combustion vehicles, pure-electric vehicles use electric energy as their power source, have a lower cost relative to fossil fuels, thus perfectly satisfying the development needs of the industry. Unlike internal combustion engine vehicles, pure electric vehicles use electric motors and battery packs as their powertrains. The installation scheme on the frame is different from that of internal combustion engine cars. Therefore, how to design a lightweight and lightweight vehicle that satisfies the layout requirements is safe and reliable. The rack is a major problem in the development of pure electric logistics vehicles.
At present, the mainstream method in the frame structure design is to use computer-aided engineering software for topology optimization, and to obtain the most reasonable layout of materials on the basis of ensuring the mechanical properties of the structure, provide guidance for structural design layout, and after the initial design is completed, the use of limited Meta software establishes a finite element model under various operating conditions, analyzes its static structure, modality and fatigue strength parameters, and verifies whether the structure is reasonable to guide the improvement process.
This paper takes the light pure electric vehicle frame as the research object, establishes the simplified model in the finite element software ANSYS, carries on the topological optimization algorithm based on the variable density method, establishes the topological optimization model according to the size condition, the load distribution and the boundary condition. Provides a reference for the design of the frame, the layout of the beam, etc., and builds a three-dimensional model in CATIA in conjunction with the layout of each assembly. Then based on the actual frame model and size of the finite element modeling and analysis, through the strength of the check and modal analysis, the partial improvement of the preliminary structure of the program, and finally to meet the requirements of the use of the strength and stiffness conditions of the frame structure.
Key Words:Frame;Finite Element;Topology Optimization;Light Weight

第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的与意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1国外研究现状 2
1.3.1国内研究现状 2
1.4本文主要研究内容 3
1.5本章小结 3
第二章 有限元分析理论及拓扑优化原理 4
2.1有限元分析理论概述及有限元软件介绍 4
2.1.1有限元理论概述 4
2.1.2有限元分析的特点 4
2.1.3有限元软件的介绍 5
2.2拓扑优化基本原理及应用 5
2.2.1拓扑优化原理概述 5
2.2.2拓扑优化原理的应用 6
2.3 本章小结 6
第三章 车架结构的拓扑优化设计过程 7
3.1 车架类型及选择 8
3.1.1车架类型介绍 8
3.1.2轻型电动物流车的车架类型选择 8
3.2车架结构设计 9
3.2.1车架长宽的确定 9
3.2.2车架纵梁形式的确定 9
3.2.3车架横梁与纵梁连接形式的确定 10
3.2.4车架材料的选定 10
3.3车架强度和刚度的初步校核 11
3.3.1车架纵梁简化力学模型的建立 11
3.3.2纵梁剪力弯矩计算 11
3.3.3车架弯曲应力的校核 13
3.3.4车架刚度的校核 13
3.4车架拓扑优化模型的建立 13
3.4.1车架拓扑优化区域的建立 13
3.4.2车架网格的划分 14
3.4.3车架载荷的施加 14
3.4.4车架边界条件的施加 15
3.4.5车架进行拓扑优化结果 16
3.5本章小结 18
第四章 车架三维模型建立和有限元分析 20
4.1车架三维模型的建立 20
4.2车架的有限元分析 20
4.2.1满载弯曲工况的有限元分析 20
4.2.2满载制动工况的有限元分析 22
4.2.3满载加速工况的有限元分析 23
4.3车架结构优化设计 24
4.4本章小结 26
第五章 结论 25
5.1全文总结 25
5.2展望 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27