摘 要
This paper designs the piston press mounting machine for the motorcycle disc brake. The main parts are selected, such as the straight slider guide rail, the linear displacement sensor and pressure sensor, which measure and check whether the press is qualified, and the pneumatic conveying device that promotes the slider movement, and the motor which provides the power for the press assembly. In the process of selecting parts, reference data and practical products of several companies are provided, which provides a reference and a train of thought for the design of press mounting machine.
This paper mainly studies the design of the disc brake caliper piston press, and completes the assembly of the press assembly with the actual parts and some parts designed by themselves. The designed press can carry out the pressure loading and pressure loading test of the disc brake caliper piston in the specified time. In the case of pressure loading, compared with the traditional mode of production, the production efficiency can be improved, and the quality of the press assembly can be guaranteed, which is in line with the modern production mode.
Keywords: Disc brake pliers piston pressure mounting machine, parts selection design, production.

第1章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 研究背景和意义 1
1.3 设计内容 2
第2章 方案确立 3
2.1 盘式制动器工作原理 3
2.2 设计内容及要求 3
2.3 工艺过程及原理 3
第3章 零件设计计算及选型 5
3.1 直线步进电机的选取 5
3.2 气压传动装置 7
3.2.1 气缸的选取 7
3.2.2 气缸的安装方式 9
3.3 直线滑块导轨的选取 9
3.4 传感器的选取 13
3.4.1 位移传感器 14
3.4.2 力传感器 15
3.5 电机固定架 15
3.6 底座的设计 16
第4章 夹具设计 18
第5章 结论 20
参考文献 21
附录A 22
附录B 23
致 谢 24