摘 要
关键词:云母片 冲压 落料冲孔 复合模 矩形件
Stamping Die Design for Double Hole Mica Sheet with Thickness of 1.0mm
This paper is about the die design for double-hole rectangular parts. First of all, the manufacturability of stamping for the parts is analyzed, the process scheme is determined, and the cutting patterns is designed. Then, the punching force and the cutting edge sizes are calculated. After that the main parts of the mold and its overall structure are designed, and the process card of main parts is worked out. Finally, the mold is assembled and is tested to find problems and fix them.
This mold that is designed in this paper is blanking and punching composite mold.It is characterized by simple manufacturing and assembly, long life and high machining precision and it is able to product massive workpieces.
Keywords: mica sheet; stamping; blanking and punching; compound die; rectangular parts
2.1 零件介绍
材 料:云母片
厚 度:1.0mm
2.2 零件工艺性分析
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 课题研究现状 2
1.3 课题设计内容 3
第二章 工艺设计 4
2.1 零件介绍 4
2.2 零件工艺性分析 4
2.2.1冲裁件的形状分析 4
2.2.2冲裁件的尺寸分析 5
2.2.3冲裁件的尺寸精度分析 5
2.3 工艺方案的确定 5
2.4 排样设计与计算 6
2.4.1 排样方式 6
2.4.2 条料搭边值的确定 6
2.4.3 条料宽度的确定 7
2.4.4 步距的确定 7
第三章 冲裁工艺力 9
3.1 冲裁力 9
3.2 卸料力、推件力和顶件力 9
3.3 总冲压力 10
3.4压力中心的确定 10
3.5 压力机的选择 10
第四章 冲裁模具设计 12
4.1 落料模刃口尺寸计算 12
4.2 冲孔模刃口尺寸计算 13
4.3 落料凹模设计 13
4.4 冲孔凸模设计 14
4.4.1 凸模长度计算 14
4.4.2 凸模的强度校核 14
4.5 凸凹模的设计 15
第五章 模具总体结构设计 17
5.1 卸料装置 17
5.1.1 卸料板 17
5.1.2 卸料螺钉 17
5.1.3 弹性元件计算 17
5.2 顶件、推件装置 19
5.3 定位装置 20
5.4 模架的选用 20
5.5 总装图草图 21
第六章 模具主要零件加工工艺设计 23
6.1 落料凹模 23
6.2 冲孔凸模 25
6.3凸凹模 27
第七章 模具的装配与试冲 30
7.1 装配步骤 30
7.2 模具的试冲与调整 31
7.3 经济性分析 32
第八章 总结 34
参考文献 35
致谢 37