关键词:镗模 加工工艺 切削力
Main frame boring machine boring mold design
The fixture is widely used in various manufacturing processes, to the workpiece positioning and firmly clamped in place, so that in accordance with the design requirements to complete product manufacturing process requirements, and different quantities such as single, batch and mass production and use and development of different fixture.In mechanical processing, key frame, body parts -- many products, often need to carry on processing precision holes. Size and shape precision of these holes not only require the hole is high, and the precision of position between each hole and the hole and the other datum is also high, with the general approach is very difficult to guarantee.Therefore, engineering design special jig boring: boring mode, thus solving the problem of machining holes. The boring boring precision mold, basically can not be influenced by the accuracy of machine, small factories, for lack of high precision boring machine bed, can use ordinary machine, power head and other modified the old machine to batch processing precision holes.greatly improving the production efficiency.
This design task was boring machine boring jig design of main frame. The paper first carries on the analysis to the main frame body, and then start positioning clamp analysis, analyze and formulate the boring processing routes to and to the processing hole data, and then presents the design process and die structure, mainly including boring mode, calculation of the correlation of cutting parameters, tool selection and other related design etc. work. finally completed the drawing of the relevant drawings using CAD software.
Keywords : Boring jig Processing technology The cutting force
材料:HT200 硬度:176~241HB
主轴孔:2×Ф 粗糙度Ra为0.8
蜗杆孔:Ф 粗糙度Ra为1.6
Ф50 粗糙度Ra为1.6
涡轮孔:Ф 粗糙度Ra为1.6
进给孔:Ф 粗糙度Ra为1.6
Ф 粗糙度Ra为1.6

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 3
1.1研究的目的及意义 1
1.2国内外的发展及研究状况 1
1.3本课题研究的内容 2
1.3.1研究内容 3
1.3.2研究意义 3
第二章 设计任务分析 4
1.1设计任务 4
1.2材料及工艺要求 4
1.3设计要求 4
1.4镗模设计基本过程 4
1.4.2拟定夹具的结构方案,绘制结构草图 5
1.4.3.绘制夹具总装配图及零件图 5
第三章 零件工艺分析 6
3.1工艺基准分析 6
3.1.1定位分析 6
3.1.2夹紧位置与夹紧点的分析 7
3.2加工工艺分析 9
3.2.1零件精度分析 9
3.2.2工艺路线分析 11
3.2.3加工余量分析 12
3.3方案论证 14
第四章 镗模结构设计 16
4.1绘制镗模结构简图 16
4.2镗模的基本组成与设计 18
4.2.1镗套的设计 18
4.2.2刀具选择 19
4.2.3镗模的支架结构 20
4.3定位及夹紧元件的设计 23
4.3.1定位元件 23
4.3.2 夹紧机构设计 24
4.4切削用量的确定 25
4.5夹紧力的计算 26
4.6误差分析 27
4.6.1定位误差 27
结语 30
参考文献 31
致谢 33