摘 要
关键词: 串口 以太网 网络 协议栈
The Design of USART and Ethernet Protocol Converter based on LWIP
With the rapid development of industrial field , the RS232 serial port and RS485 bus which mainly used among sensors on the the bottom devices are becoming more and more difficult to meet the needs of society , while the TCP/IP network is used increasingly widely , due to its stable communication quality and long transmission distance . Designing a serial port and Ethernet’s protocol converter has become a social need . The article introduced the communication theory of RS232 serial port and Ethernet , and elaborated the conversion method . Then , according to a specific project , it present a solution of the converter based on LWIP protocol stack . The project-designing part first discussed and chose the hardware solution ,and then it introduced the hardware devices that had been chosen . The software design module mainly elaborated the program of RS232 serial port , the LWIP protocol stack and the main function .My_USART.c and My_TcpClient.c are analyzed in detail . In the end , the design result and illustration are given .
Keywords:Serial Port ; Ethernet ; network ; protocol stack

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 串口转以太网的背景及意义 1
1.2 RS232串口与以太网简介 1
1.2.1 RS232串口通信原理 1
1.2.2 以太网简介 2
1.2.3 串口转以太网的实现原理 3
1.3 串口转以太网的设计实例 4
1.3.1 总体设计任务 4
1.3.2 设计的具体要求 4
第二章 RS232串口转以太网的硬件方案 5
2.1 方案选择 5
2.2 主控制芯片 5
2.2.1 STM32F107VCT6综述 5
2.2.2 STM32F107VCT6的以太网模块 5
2.3 RS232串口电路 6
2.4 以太网物理芯片DM9161 7
2.5 JTAG接口 9
第三章 RS232串口转以太网的软件设计 11
3.1 概述 11
3.2 IAR集成开发环境 11
3.3 RS232串口通信 12
3.3.1 串口时钟使能寄存器 12
3.3.2 串口复位寄存器 12
3.3.3 波特率寄存器 13
3.3.4 控制寄存器 13
3.3.5 数据寄存器 13
3.3.6 串口状态寄存器 14
3.3.7 函数设计 14
3.4 LWIP协议栈 15
3.4.1 LWIP协议栈简介 15
3.4.2 TCP客户端配置 15
3.4.3 两个重要文件 16
3.5 主函数 17
3.6 两个重要的子程序 18
3.6.1 My_USART.c 18
3.6.2 My_TcpClient.c 18
第四章 功能测试 20
4.1 概述 20
4.2 RS232串口调试 20
4.3 以太网发送调试 23
4.4 联调测试 25
4.5 数据缓冲区优化 26
结 语 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 30
附 录 31