关键词:单片机系统 传感器 数据采集 液晶显示 软件编程
In various control technologies evolving now, the use of SCM system more widely, especially in the control of temperature. Since the temperature is analog, it needs to be in the form of digital expression, thus with this design. This article discusses the kind of STC89C52 microcontroller core systems, information and key circuit temperature set DS18B20 temperature sensor acquisition as an input to the temperature of the LCD display as output, external buzzer and relay alarms and temperature a thermostatically controlled control system. In this paper, several other aspects of hardware circuit analysis and design, software programming and circuit design to build and debug the design process described temperature control system to achieve real-time temperature monitoring and control functions.
Keywords: MCU system;sensor;data acquisition;LCD screen;software programming

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1背景 1
1.2设计目标 1
1.3论文结构 1
第二章 硬件电路设计 3
2.1系统功能 3
2.2系统原理 3
2.3单片机模块 3
2.4温度采集模块 5
2.5存储器模块 6
2.6按键模块 6
2.7 显示模块 7
2.8 报警模块 8
2.9本章小结 8
第三章 程序设计 9
3.1程序的总体设计 9
3.2初始化函数的设计 10
3.3存储器函数的设计 11
3.4温度转换函数的设计 12
3.5键盘扫描函数的设计 12
3.6继电器函数的设计 13
3.7报警函数的设计 14
3.8本章小结 14
第四章 系统测试与结果 15
4.1测试与结果 15
4.2 硬件电路调试与结果 17
4.3调试过程中遇到的问题 19
第五章 总结 21
参考文献 22
致谢 23
附录 程序代码 24