Design of Control System of Fuzzy Control Washing Machine
Based on fuzzy control completely automatic washer automatic control system,it used the monolithic integrated circuit 89C51 as the control core.It realizes the intelligent control and enhaced the quality of washing clothed,save the energy.Fuzzy controller’s design is the essential link.It uses the sensor to examine the essential physical quantity of the wash clothes process,they enter the fuzzy controller,through the fuzzy reasoning,realizes of the washer automatic diagnosing clothes nature,the clothes quantity,the automatic diagnosing dirty degree,automatically deciding the water volume,function and so on.The hardware arthitecture diagram and the software flow chart are the important constituent of this system.In entire controlled process,Fuzzily controlled software plays the decisive role.In this paper,fuzzy control is introduced into washing machine control system.On the basis of researches in washing machine working character,fuzzy deciding system is presented.At last it gives a working program diagram.
Key words: fuzzy control;washing machine; monolithic integrated circuit

1绪论 1
1.1国内外研究现状 1
1.2全自动洗衣机的发展前景 2
1.3全自动洗衣机的设计目的 3
1.4模糊控制理论简介 3
1.5研究内容及章节安排 4
2传动系统结构设计 5
2.1减速离合器的结构 5
2.1.1离合器结构 5
2.1.2行星减速器结构 7
2.2本章小结 8
3硬件设计 9
3.1全自动洗衣机设计方案 9
3.2最小系统设计 10
3.2.1CPU选型 10
3.2.2单片机的存储器和寄存器 13
3.3A/D转换模块设计 14
3.4传感与检测模块 18
3.5传感检测方法 20
3.6显示模块设计 22
3.7本章小结 24
4模糊控制 25
4.1模糊控制器 25
4.2模糊控制实现方法 25
4.2.1基本结构和控制过程 25
4.2.2洗衣机洗涤性能影响因素 26
4.2.3模糊控制器的设计 27
4.3本章小结 31
5软件设计 32
5.1寄存器 32
5.2流程图及其代码 33
5.3软件仿真 56
5.3.1水位确定 56
5.3.2水流强度确定 57
5.3.3洗涤时间确定 60
5.3.4修正时间确定 63
5.4本章小结 65
总结与展望 66
参考文献 67
致谢 68
附录A 69
附录B 70