摘要:本文提出了一种非圆形状的移动机器人设计方法。这种方法是在未知领域自主导航的人道主义排雷的路径规划算法。为此目的的路径规划问题归结为规划路径从开始位置到最终位置的地方,这样机器人能覆盖所有在该地区可得到的规划的路径。基于我们之前了解的完全覆盖算法的已知领域,我们已经开发出一种能够完全覆盖在未知的领域与已知边界的维度的算法。该算法使用面积占用网格地图来表示。图中每一个自由单元代表一个被搜索找到完整的覆盖路径的节点。该算法可发现完全覆盖路径图中移动机器人的尺寸,非圆形状的机器人可以很容易地包括在内。这种的算法实现依靠S(机器人操作系统)和测试阶段的3 d模拟器为移动机器人提供帮助。
Complete coverage path planning of mobile robots for humanitarian deminin
Abstract—The paper presents a path planning algorithm for a non-circular shaped mobile robot to autonomously navigate in an unknown area for humanitarian demining. For that purpose the path planning problem comes down to planning a path from some starting location to a final location in an area so that the robot covers all the reachable positions in the area while following the planned path. Based on our previous complete coverage algorithm of known areas we have developed a complete coverage algorithm capable of operating in unknown areas with known border dimensions.