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首先,本文整理和总结了有关桥墩损伤和修复的一些理论,结合某景观步行桥门形异形墩,通过大型有限元分析软件ANSYS 15.0建立有限元模型并进行数值分析,得到了桥墩的结构受损部位。

Bridge pier,the bearing capacity of which will directly affect the safety of the bridge, is the main supporting structure of bridge. But under the effect of the material aging, natural environment, accidental impact and vehicle loads and other factors, pier may appear varying degrees of damage. In recent ten or twenty years, due to the aging of a large number of existingbridges, the research on the performance of bridge piers has been a hot issue, and many experts and scholars at home and abroad have put forward a lot of theoriesaboutstructural damage and repair.
First of all, some theories of the bridge damage and repair, briefly sorted out and summarized in this paper, combined with the door-shaped pier of south paddock river landscape walking bridge that was modelled and numerically analyzed by the finite element analysis software ANSYS 15.0 that in turn figured out the structural damage position of the pier.
Secondly, after the damage position of the bridge pier is defined, there is a necessity to study the stress characteristics of the control section under the design load and check the ultimate bearing capacity of the representative section by applying different loads.
Finally, In view of the actual situation of damaged bridge pier, the method of using exterior spiral reinforcement method to repair and reinforce the landscape walking bridge has been put forward, and the bearing capacity of the bridge pier is also strengthened.
Through the research of bridge pier damage and repair, it is possible, to a certain extent, to ensure the safety of the bridge and to extend the service life of a bridge pier. The proposed structural damage identification methods and repair methods can also provide reference for bridge pier repair and reinforcement of the old bridges in the future.
Keyword:pier damage assessment;pierdamage repair;finite element analysis;
exterior spiral reinforcement method


1.绪论    1
1.1研究目的和意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1 桥梁结构损伤理论概述    1
1.2.2桥墩结构损伤理论与现状调查    2
1.3桥墩安全性分析    4
1.4本文的主要内容    5
2.结构损伤识别理论    7
2.1基于频率的损伤识别理论    7
2.2基于柔度矩阵的损伤识别理论    9
2.3基于振型的损伤识别理论    10
2.4本章小结    12
3.    ANSYS有限元模型    13
3.1 有限元方法的概述    13
3.2 ANSYS简介    13
3.3工程概况和基本资料    13
3.4有限元模型的建立    16
3.4.1基本假定    18
3.4.2单元定义    19
3.4.3材料参数    20
3.4.4建模、网格划分及耦合    21
3.4.5小结    23
3.5桥墩的受力性能分析    23
3.5.1重力和水流冲击力下的受力性能    24
3.5.2重力、水流冲击力和墩顶荷载下的受力性能    25
3.6桥墩的极限承载力验算    27
3.7本章小结    27
4.桥墩损伤修复方法研究    29
4.1桥墩修复加固比较    29
4.1.1拆除重建法    29
4.1.2增大截面法    29
4.1.3套箍加固法    30
4.1.4 FRP加固技术    30
4.1.5小结    31
4.2本文的实例桥墩修复方法    31
5.结论与展望    34
致谢    35
参考文献    36