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With the rapid development of high-speed railway in China, the railway development in the seasonal frozen soil area is also moving in the direction of high speed, heavy load, but in the seasonal rapid development of the railway area at the same time, seasonal frozen soil special The nature of the soil, and the unique temperature environment, so that high-speed railway trains in the course of the operation by a variety of railway roadbed diseases such as frost heave and grooving and other issues, the high-speed railway in the seasonal frozen soil operation and Development has caused obstacles. Therefore, according to the existing high-speed railway and permafrost subgrade design specifications, this paper puts forward a new type of high-speed railway asphalt channel bed with vibration and water repellent. Finally, a numerical analysis method was used to carry out research experiments. The results show that the vibration layer can weaken the disturbance and influence of train load on permafrost subgrade.
Key words: seasonal frozen soil, high - speed railway subgrade, damping, numeriACl analys


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1季节性冻土工程研究进展    2
1.2.2季节性冻土地区路基稳定性研究研究现状    2
1.3研究目的和意义    3
1.4 研究的内容、方法和技术路线    4
1.4.1 研究内容    4
1.4.2 研究方法    5
1.4.3 技术路线    5
第2章季冻区高速铁路轨下基础设计原理    7
2.1高速铁路无砟轨道设计原则    7
2.1.1路基基床结构    7
2.1.2路基填料设计    9
2.1.3路基防排水设计    9
2.2季节性冻土地区铁路路基破坏类型及原因    9
2.2.1振动破坏    9
2.2.2冻胀和翻浆机理    10
2.3本章小结    15
第3章减振防水型铁路轨下基础结构设计方案    16
3.1设计思路    16
3.2 轨下基础基本结构设计方案    16
3.2.1无砟轨道设计    16
3.2.2减振防水路基设计    16
3.2.3防水设计    17
3.2.4整体结构设计    17
3.3沥青混凝土减振层设计研究    19
3.3.1 沥青混凝土    19
3.3.2 沥青混凝土在高速铁路无砟轨道中的应用优势    19
3.4橡胶沥青混凝土研究    19
3.4.1橡胶沥青混凝土简介    19
3.4.2橡胶沥青生产工艺    20
3.4.3橡胶沥青混凝土材料属性    20
3.5本章小结    21
第4章沥青混凝土轨下基础结构数值模拟可行性分析    22
4.1减振防水型沥青混凝土数值模型建立    22
4.1.1结构几何模型建立    22
4.1.2 相关材料参数    23
4.1.3网格划分    23
4.2模型验证    26
4.3结果分析    26
4.3.1冻土层拉应力与拉应变结果分析    26
4.3.2轨道板上垂直加速的结果分析    29
4.3.3沥青层底部的水平最大应变    31
4.3.4路基顶部垂直应力分析    33
4.4本章小结    35
第5章结论与展望    36
5.1 结论    36
5.2进一步研究展望    36
参考文献    38
致谢    1
附录A(路基横断面设计图)    42
附录B(路堑横断面设计图)    43