Reinforced concrete deep bending members are now more and more widely used. Its structural form has application in many aspects. Although scholars in many countries have studied it, but because of the complex force mechanism of reinforced concrete deep-bending members, there are many influencing factors, while the current norms are mostly semi-empirical and semi-theoretical formulas, the existing classic The theory is no longer trial. Therefore, it is necessary to further study the mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete deep-bending members.
This article will combine the relevant specifications and finite element software to comprehensively analyze the ultimate bearing capacity of reinforced concrete deep beams and discuss the main influencing factors. Firstly, the failure characteristics of reinforced concrete deep beams are analyzed. Then, the internal forces of the components are calculated and the results are compared by using the formula of the current specification and the tensile bar model of the United States standard. Using OpenSees software to model the examples, the main influencing factors of the ultimate bearing capacity of reinforced concrete deep beams include concrete strength, shear-span ratio, longitudinal reinforcement ratio and stirrup ratio. Then the control variables were used to analyze and compare each influencing factor one by one. The degree of influence was compared with the results obtained by the formula method, the differences in the results were analyzed, and conclusions were drawn.
Key words:Reinforced concrete deep beam, ultimate bearing capacity, influencing factors, OpenSees

第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.4本文主要研究内容 2
1.5 本文技术方案 3
第2章钢筋混凝土深梁的破坏形式 4
2.1深梁结构的受力特点 4
2.2钢筋混凝土简支深梁的破坏形式 4
2.2.1弯曲破坏 4
2.2.2弯剪破坏 5
2.2.3斜压破坏 5
2.2.4局压破坏 6
2.2.5支座锚固破坏 6
2.2.6间接加载破坏 6
2.3破坏特征的影响因素 7
2.4本章小结 7
第3章国内外规范对实例的计算分析 8
3.1设计实例 8
3.1.1技术标准 10
3.2国内外规范对比 10
3.3拉压杆模型 10
3.3.1拉压杆模型简介 10
3.3.2 拉压杆模型计算实例 11
3.4我国规范中深梁的设计 14
3.4.1正截面受弯承载力 14
3.4.2深梁的受剪截面控制条件 16
3.4.3斜截面受剪承载力 17
3.4.4承台梁内力 17
3.4.5极限承载力计算 18
3.5 本章小结 19
第四章基于OpenSees的有限元模型建立 20
4.1 OpenSees简介 20
4.2本例所采用的单元力学模型 20
4.2.1 纤维模型 20
4.2.2 材料的本构关系 20
4.3建立模型 22
4.3.1单元、结点及约束的划分与建立 22
4.3.2建立纤维截面及坐标转换 23
4.3.3 定义材料 25
4.3.4施加荷载 25
4.3.5结果的输出与力控制 25
4.4本章小结 26
第5章钢筋混凝土深梁极限承载力影响因素分析 27
5.1混凝土强度的影响 27
5.1.1 模拟构件参数的设计 27
5.1.2 结果分析 27
5.2纵筋率的影响 28
5.2.1 模拟构件参数的设计 28
5.2.2 结果分析 29
5.3配箍率的影响 30
5.3.1 模拟构件参数的设计 30
5.3.2 结果分析 30
5.4剪跨比的影响 30
5.4.1 模拟构件参数的设计 30
5.4.2 结果分析 32
5.5小结 32
第6章结论与展望 33
6.1主要研究内容和结论 33
6.2展望 33
主要参考文献 35
附录:OpenSees模型命令流 36
致谢 47