Renewable resources building with rainwater harvesting design research
21st century water resources increasingly tense, construction of water consumption accounts for about 1/6. In order to enhance the utilization of water resources, the development of renewable resources-type buildings for rainwater harvesting work is imminent. The output of the sewage treatment plant sludge to be recycled can be used in order to build a green roof on the new green building, reasonable collection and use of rainwater, you can have a great ecological and economic benefits. On the other hand, green building can create a comfortable living environment, reduce sun and rain damage to the building, reducing the urban heat island effect.
Based on this study to promote the utilization of sludge, rainwater resource utilization as well as green building and other development background, sludge recycling sludge ceramic products as the main aggregates, consider matching the shape of the structural design and adhesive material, development of new green roof drainage layer combination rainwater utilization system components, explore different factors ceramic aggregate porosity, particle size, adhesive material, drainage layer thickness of the drainage layer strength, permeability, water retention, water purification effect of impact , to get the best stormwater control, rainwater resource utilization and promote plant growth effects. Now the main contents of this paper are summarized as follows:
Ⅰ、Preparation members drainage layer
Drainage board design the shape of a regular hexagon cylinder, during which members are connected. Adding ceramic concrete material selection sludge ceramic plate diameter of 5 ~ 15mm aggregate made. Its porosity, water absorption, permeability coefficient, compressive strength, PH and other laboratory tests to explore the various factors that affect its performance.
Ⅱ、Building roof rainwater harvesting system design
Design drainage layer, waterproof layer, rainwater collection system so that it is feasible and practical.
Ⅲ、System Design Example
Experiments carried out at the University College of Environmental Design Building, Nanjing instance, by calculating the amount of material to complete the construction cost of the program and budget, draw up the initial construction process.
Key words : Type of renewable resources、Rainwater harvesting、Green Building、Sludge ceramic concrete slab

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1国外研究现状 3
1.2.2国内研究现状 8
1.3新型建筑雨水收集利用系统特点 10
1.3.1新型建筑雨水收集利用系统研究理论与要点 10
1.3.2新型建筑雨水收集利用系统组成形式与优势 11
1.3.3新型建筑雨水收集利用系统运用效益 12
1.4研究背景、意义 13
1.4.1生态排水层的优势和局限性 13
1.4.2塑料板排水层的优势和局限性 13
1.4.3污泥陶粒混凝土板排水层的优势 14
1.5本文研究内容 14
第二章 污泥陶粒混凝土板排水板的设计制作及性能测试 15
2.1 试验材料及基本性能 15
2.1.1 水泥 15
2.1.2 粗骨料 15
2.1.3 减水剂 16
2.2污泥陶粒混凝土板的设计 17
2.2.1形状设计 17
2.2.2 尺寸设计 17
2.2.3 配合比设计 18
2.3 污泥陶粒混凝土板的制作 19
2.3.1 搅拌工艺 19
2.3.2 试件的成型 20
2.3.3 试件的养护 20
2.4 污泥陶粒混凝土板基本物理性能试验 21
2.4.1 孔隙率的测定 21
2.4.2、吸水率 23
2.4.3、透水系数 24
2.4.4、抗压强度 25
2.4.5、PH值 26
2.5、污泥陶粒混凝土板的适宜配比选择 29
第三章 资源再生型建筑雨水收集利用系统设计 30
3.1、资源再生型建筑雨水收集利用系统设计原则 30
3.2、资源再生型建筑雨水收集利用系统设计 31
3.2.1、排水层 31
3.2.2、防水层 32
3.2.3、过滤网 32
3.2.4、排水管 32
3.2.5、蓄水池 33
3.3、资源再生型雨水收集利用系统技术因素 33
3.3.1、轻量化技术 33
3.3.2、排水技术 34
3.3.3、防水技术 35
3.4、屋面绿化系统构成 36
3.4.1、植被层 36
3.4.2、种植基质层 37
3.4.3、过滤层 37
3.4.4、排水层 38
3.4.5、保护层 38
3.4.6、防穿刺层 39
3.4.7、隔离层 39
3.4.8、防水层 39
第四章 资源再生型建筑雨水收集利用系统实例应用 40
4.1、工程概况 40
4.2、应用实例注意事项 40
4.3、南京工业大学环境学院实验楼实例应用 41
4.3.1、系统设计 41
4.3.2、屋面植被选择 42
4.3.3、各项材料用量 42
4.3.4、工程造价 44
4.3.5、资源再生型建筑雨水收集利用系统工艺流程 45
4.3.6、水质分析实验 46
4.4资源再生型建筑雨水收集利用系统的施工特点 47
第五章 结论与展望 48
5.1、结论 48
5.2、展望 48
参考文献 49
致谢 52