结合阳新当地的地方发展状况、交通状况以及国内桥梁建设的现状,把阳新某特大跨径桥梁的主跨设计为(40+70+40)m,桥型为 连续箱梁。利用midas civil电脑软件,把桥梁比选方案中选定的连续梁的箱梁尺寸和荷载效应输入,建立基本模型,在逐一对内力、位移以及各个施工阶段的内力、位移进行分析。电脑软件计算完成之后,桥梁横断面为变截面,根据不同的截面以及受力情况,配置不同数量和种类的钢筋。接下来进行承载能力极限状态和正常使用极限状态的验算,根据不同种类的荷载组合,对桥梁的各个截面进行验算,确保设计的结构安全合理经济。接下来利用CAD绘制图纸,并勘察当地地形和地质情况,并根据具体的情况设定具体的施工方案。在施工中,要注意混凝土的浇筑以及钢材的焊接,确保施工质量以及进度。
Combined with the local development of Yangxin, the traffic situation and the present situation of bridge construction in China, the main span of a large span bridge in Yangxin is designed as (407040) m, and the bridge type is (407040) m. Continuous box girder. By using midas civil computer software, the box girder size and load effect of the continuous beam selected in the bridge comparison and selection scheme are input, and the basic model is established, and the internal force, displacement and internal force and displacement of each construction stage are analyzed one by one. After the calculation of computer software, the cross section of the bridge is variable cross section, and different quantities and kinds of steel bars are arranged according to different sections and forces. Next step. According to the checking calculation of the limit state of bearing capacity and the limit state of normal use, each section of the bridge is checked and calculated according to different kinds of load combinations, so as to ensure the safety and reasonable economy of the designed structure. Next, CAD is used to draw drawings, and investigate the local terrain and geological conditions, and set up a specific construction plan according to the specific situation. In the construction, attention should be paid to the pouring of concrete and the welding of steel to ensure the construction quality and progress.
Keywords: continuous beam; structural design; structural analysis; construction scheme;
设计基准期:50 年
设计荷载等级:公路-I 级
地震基本烈度:VI 度,设计基本地震加速度为 0.05g 设计地震分组为第一组,按Ⅶ度设防
桥址区主体处于平原地貌区,地形比较平坦, ,起点位于农田,终点位于网湖试验区,大桥跨越富河、 、 及农田,有简易道路通达,交通较为便利。
1-1 填土:主要由粘性土和碎石块组成,承载力基本容许值[fa0] =120~200 kPa ,桩侧土的摩阻力标准值 qik =35~50kPa。
1-3 粉质粘土:含铁锰矿物质, 层位不稳定,土质欠均匀。承载 [fa0] =240 kPa,沿线均有分布。
3-1砾砂:主要成份为石英质。推荐承载力 [fa0] =370 kPa ,桩侧土的摩阻力标准值 qik =60kPa。
本合同段路线区水文地质条件简单,地表水主要为库塘水,其水量季节性变化,桥梁布置长度、跨径均能满足沟谷山洪的泄洪要求;风化裂隙及岩体构造作用较强烈部位,富水性弱, 地下水不发育。

摘要 4
1、概论 1
1.1毕业设计的目的及意义 1
1.2国内外发展概况 1
1.2.1桥梁简史 1
1.2.2桥梁的基本组成和分类 1
1.2.4大跨度连续梁桥的现状分析 2
1.3毕业设计内容及技术方案 3
1.3.1研究的目的及意义 3
1.3.2研究内容 3
1.3.3技术路线 3
2.工程概况 4
2.1设计技术标准及采用规范 4
2.1.1主要技术标准 4
2.2本桥沿线自然地理概况 4
2.2.1地形地貌 4
2.2.2气象与水文 4
2.2.3工程地质 4
2.2.4水文地质条件 4
3.方案比选 5
3.1简支中承式钢管混凝土拱桥 5
3.2预应力混凝土多跨连续梁桥 7
3.3简支梁 10
4.桥梁设计及结构计算 14
4.1特大桥设计 14
4.2连续箱梁设计要点 14
4.2.1桥梁设计 14
4.2.2施工阶段内力分析 16
4.2.3施工各个阶段内力分析 23
4.3配筋计算 27
4.3.1材料特性 27
4.3.2配筋计算过程 28
4.4承载能力验算 29
5.施工方案 34
5.1施工介绍 34
5.2施工各个阶段步骤 35
5.3主梁施工注意事项 36
6.结论 37
7、参考文献 38
致谢 39