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摘    要

In this paper
The purpose of the project bidding system design, is the introduction of market competitive mechanism, standard construction market transaction behavior, reduce the engineering cost, especially to prevent manipulation, corruption prevention trade power, etc. But in recent years, with China's sustained and rapid economic development, infrastructure investment increasing, the construction project scale range is extended. In huge profits, driven by a variety of aversion, destroy the public bidding of ACTS of unfair competition, has seriously affected the seriousness and credibility of the bidding. Here whom the common problems in the current construction project bidding, and through the analysis of its existing in engineering bidding of ACTS of unfair competition, and then puts forward some Suggestions to solve the problem of such.
Key words: unfair competition; The bidding; Measures.

目    录
1    绪    论    4
1.1  问题的提出    4
1.2  工程招投标的研究状况    4
1.3  本文研究的目的及意义    5
2   工程招投标的概述    5
2.1  招投标的含义    5
2.2  招投标的目的和原则    6
2.2.1  招投标的目的    6
2.2.2  招投标原则    6
2.3  招投标的方式    6
2.3.1  公开招标    7
2.3.2  邀请招标    7
3    工程招投标中不正当竞争行为的表现形式及认定    8
3.1  招投标中不正当竞争行为的表现形式    8
4    工程招投标中存在问题招投标中的原因    9
4.1  招投标市场监督约束机制不完善    9
4.2  工程招投标监管力度不足    10
4.3  以权谋私    10
4.4  法律体系存在弹性空间    10
4.5  建筑产品价格形成机制不健全    11
4.6  缺乏科学有效的评标方法    11
4.7  评委专家不能恪守职业道德    11
5    工程招投标中不正当行为的解决对策    12
5.1  健全完善招投标监督管理体制    12
5.2  健全招投标相关法律法规的制定、完善机制    12
5.3  加强评委专家库的管理,制定科学的评标办法    13
5.3.1  加强评委专家库管理,使评标专业化、公平化     13
5.3.2  制定科学的评标办法    13
5.4  中介组织机构行为的监管和规范策略    13
5.5  完善招投标相关的法律制度,规范招投标市场    14
5.6  建立有效的激励与约束机制     14
结束语    15
谢辞    16
参考文献    17