摘 要
关键词: 袋物;棚车;装车机;三级伸缩皮带机;自动堆码;总体计算;
Railway transport as an important means of transportation in our country at present, since the 1990 s, the railway traffic showed a trend of increasing year by year. In railway transportation covered wagon is one of the important means of transport, the loading efficiency directly affects the railway station cargo capacity and cost. In the present, China is still mainly covered wagon loading method in human handling with forklift loading as the main way, only used in parts start loading machine, its loading, low efficiency, high cost, poor handling environment and so on question increasingly highlighted.
In this paper is to propose a covered wagon loading specifically for the new car charger. Mainly based on the research of existing loading machine, further improve the efficiency of loading and human liberation, achieve the goal of collaborative work. In this paper, according to the requirement of design of new type automatic loading machine organization pattern, analyzes the characteristics and working principle of various agencies, and the preliminary design of various agencies. Among them in this paper, we put forward the three levels of telescopic conveyor system design, working principle and components of the organization's selection has carried on the detailed discussion and calculation, finally, SolidWorks software to complete the 3 d modeling and simulation of the institution.
Through the graduation design has carried on the further deepening to university four years learning and use. In the design process by asking the teacher and classmates, I benefit a lot from it. After the graduation design, have more good preparation for my future into society.
Keywords: bag; boxcar;Loading machine; Level 3 telescopic belt conveyor; Automatic stacking; The overall calculation;
表2.1 设计参数
车厢尺寸 14m*2.9m
车厢距离地面 约高1m
袋物尺寸 750m*400m*150m,50kg/袋
棚车门的尺寸 宽2.5m,高2.8m
装车效率 1200袋/小时
每节车厢载重 60t

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1袋物装车机简介 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3伸缩机构研究现状 1
1.3.1人力制动滚筒伸缩机构 2
1.3.2电动钢绳伸缩机构 2
1.3.3动力链条伸缩机构 2
1.3.4油缸伸缩机构 2
1.4研究目的意义 3
1.5研究内容 3
第2章 新型自动化袋物装车机总体设计 4
2.1新型自动化袋物装车机设计要求 4
2.2新型自动化袋物装车机工作原理和流程 4
2.3新型自动化袋物装车机设计参数 5
2.4新型自动化袋物装车机结构组成 5
2.4.1双向伸缩带式输送机构 6
2.4.5俯仰机构 7
2.4.6行走机构 7
2.4.7卸料堆码机构 7
2.4.8改向立辊装置 7
2.4.9液压站和发电机组 7
2.5本章小结 8
第3章 三级伸缩带式输送系统设计 9
3.1三级伸缩带式输送系统构成 9
3.2伸缩机构原理 9
3.3带式伸缩输送机计算 9
3.3.1初定设计参数 10
3.3.2.由带速、带宽来验算输送能力 10
3.3.3驱动圆周力的计算 10
3.3.4输送机运行功率的计算 12
3.3.5输送带张力计算 13
3.3.6.输送带层数计算 14
3.4带式伸缩输送机驱动方式选型 15
3.5本章小结 15
第4章 三级伸缩输送系统三维仿真建模 17
4.1仿真建模总装配图与各部分图 17
4.2本章小结 19
第5章 总结 20
致谢 21
参考文献 22